Yes, indeed, I have been strangely silent of late, still in shock from the hacked election. I can't believe what has transpire in the last six weeks. Yes, just six weeks. And as I was reading my trivia calendar for the day the question was: According to one study, what professional position has the most psychopaths working in it? The answer is CEOs. That's Agent Orange. Is it any wonder we are in a shit storm right now.
Yes, the Russians hacked our elections and we have a puppet of Putin (that has a lovely ring, don't you think?) as supreme leader. I have been reminded this week of the Dunning Kruger phenomena, wherein the dumber one person is the more they overestimate their intelligence. Yes, you can look that up. Explains a great deal about this Trumpian nightmare we are in the midst of. Generals to the right of me, fools to the left, stuck in the middle.
The Alt-Right, alright, let's just call them what they are: White Nationalists. And the Men's Rights Movement thrown in for good measure. What they call being political correct, which is anathema to them, I call being civil. What I see as trending to greater equality, they see as a loss of their inherent rights as white males. And let's not forget the 53% of white women who voted for Agent Orange or Carrot Top, or what you will. But really everyone who voted for him, save for the 1% he has installed in cabinet level positions, voted against their own best interests. The workers who saw in him a savior who would "drain the swamp" has to see that he is not the savior. The deal with Carrier and all the tweets about the United Steel Workers Union not serving the workers well is the stuff of true hubris.
Vanity Fair had a great article about the Trump Grill(e) in the Trump Tower in NYC. They slammed it as being "...worse restaurant in America", calling it a poor man's vision of being rich. I can't help but to think of Jay Gatsby when I see the gilded Trump Tower Penthouse, him lusting after Daisy and the Old Money while he is a Vulgarian of the nouveau riche. Agent Orange, in his most diligent manner, starting Tweeting about Vanity Fair. Very mature. Graydon Carter of Vanity Fair has called Trump a "short fingered vulgarian" to which Agent Orange began sending Carter photos of himself with his fingers circled and the tag "see, not so short". So another shot of Twitter and we are off on a Tweet Storm.
Still I can't believe people actually voted for the short fingered vulgarian, or The Vulgarian. This all has a vague existential feel to it, a bit of the surreal. I have no idea if the Russian hijacking our election will play out after Obama leaves office. Will there be a Benghazi like commission investigating this or will this all be part of the national nightmare we call The Vulgarian? There needs to be a bipartisan investigation with full transparency. And the Democrats, who are so far in the woods they have the look of the Donner Party, need to grow a pair and obstruct The Vulgarian the way the Republicans obstructed Obama. Where is the outrage over the rigged election? The Vulgarian is calling it sour grapes but if the whine be sour then it should be ingested.
Everyday I see more and more the pendulum swing to the right, the hard right. KellyAnne Conway recently said that to call out Trump's pussy grabbing is sexist, and that is a rationalization that no one in their right mind could make. I almost believe the whole of the Trump Organization is psychopathetic. My new word. The whole of Trump's family, like a royal court, holds forth from Trump Tower. His son, Donnie Jr. picked the Secretary of the Interior for daddy because they went hunting together. Nothing like taking pot shots at the environment for the Secretary of the Interior. Big Donnie takes his daughter to work day and she will have the FLOTUS office in the East Wing of the White House, as the real FLOTUS stays in NYC so Barron, the next in line for the throne, can have as little disruption to his sheltered life as possible. Poor boy.
So all of this constitutes a rant of the first order. I need to awaken from this apoplectic reality. I am re-reading Thoreau's Civil Disobedience, which rings very true today. We must stand our ground where it comes to Him Who Shan't Be Named. Grow a pair, come in from the woods. Stand up to this bully of a short fingered vulgarian with an equally short fuse. I truly hope Trump Googles himself daily and finds this rant and starts a Tweet-Shit-Storm over me. The barbarians are at the gate and we must resist.