Wednesday, August 10, 2016

My confinement continued

The pulled muscle turned into a fractured femur, for which I had surgery on Saturday and went home to rehab on Monday.  So excuse the typos as I is injured.

I was on the phone to Sophie last Thursday when I uttered the fateful words 'the f***** just broke' to which Sophie advised me to call 911.  Which I did.  They couldn't get the stretcher in the house so they put me in a sling and then to a stretcher/chair.  Off to the hospital.  And drugs.  I was floating for two days before the surgery.  And hallucinations, boy, I had them.  As they were wheeling me to surgery I believed I was in a fight between Hillary and Donald for air and that people on each side were breathing for me.  Of course as I was in surgery I proudily announced to all 'wow am I aphallucinating' to which the surgeon replied I was in my right mind.  Once back in my room some of the hallucinations continued as I came out of anesthesia.  I had a private nurse and special care which only confirmed my hallucinating state of mind.  By Sunday I was up and walking with a walker.  Monday it was deemed acceptable that I go home with a visiting nurse and rehab.

So that's where I have been.  I have great friends who were watching the house and cats wihile I was gone.  And that great care continues as people bring me food and keep me company and help me with my exercises.  Feel free to stop by and help with the leg lift.

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