Sunday, November 20, 2016

I lost my voice

Yes, I have lost my voice as this country has lost its collective mind.  Agent Orange, aka the Orange Ogre, has taken over.  And I am scared.  And I am not doing too well in accepting this new reality.  What I have done is join the ACLU.  I sent money to Planned Parenthood in honor of that great egalitarian Mike Pence.  I have retained my membership in the local Democratic Party. Save for these actions I have been in a stupor.  I still can't believe how stupid this country is to elect someone who hasn't taken a basic civics course and doesn't know the meaning of the word nepotism.  But he probably knows depotism. 

And most of all I am scared of that anti-Semite Steve Bannon, who the Orange Ogre has made his senior adviser.  I am scared for all the Jews, Muslims, Latinos, African Americans, LGBT community...basically all Americans who comprise the diversity this truly is this country and not the hatred of the banal citizenry who have spoken.  Fully 50% of Americans didn't vote in this election.  Fully more of them voted for Hillary but she lost the electoral college.  The electoral college was designed by the framers of the constitution to prevent this type of demagogue from attaining power.

We must remain vigilant in the face of this incipient fascism that is lurking in the shadows. And what, pray tell, happens when the promises of the The Wall and Jobs do not materialize?   I suspect the followers will follow others and move more to the right.  I am scared. 

This country is not a business.  It cannot be run on the model of a business. 

And just when I think things can't get worse they do.  With each new appointment I shudder.  Sessions, a  racist of the first order, is Attorney General.  That's what made me join the ACLU.  I don't think the Democrats will grow a pair and oppose the new regime with the full force of the constitution.  It is up to organizations like the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the media to watchdog and safeguard us.  We must use critical thinking and call out the racists, the homophobe, the Islamaphobe, the anti-Semite.  But truly we are all targets of a regime that has the impetus towards fascism. 

The media, which gave rise to Agent Orange, must make him accountable for his actions and make sure he abides the laws of this country.  We must be vigilant and not vigilantes.  I am sick unto death.  I am scared. 

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