Sunday, November 27, 2016

My parents

Are most likely rotating in their collective graves as I have been joining various left of center organizations they warned me never to affiliate myself.  They came of age during the years of the Holocaust when it was ever so dangerous to be a Jew in any country and also during the McCarthy Era in the 1950s when it was just dangerous to be anyone with an opinion.  They warned me not to let my politics be known.  Too late, parental units, I have been busy being politically proactive to save my sanity.  I think my parents were constantly worried that the Holocaust would never end so if they wanted to go to a "restricted" restaurant in say, St. Clair Shores, they made a reservation in a gentile sounding name, like Lee.  To me if I am not wanted I am not going to give that business my money.  My folks just wanted to belong and be Americans, not tied to the Old Country of their parents.  I think that pendulum has swung back the other way with me as I very much identify as Jewish and have joined a synagogue and participate.

But my politics have always been at odds with my parents who were Goldwater Republicans.  I have been more liberal in my world views.  So in addition to joining the ACLU, the Anti-Defamation League, read the NY Times and Mother Jones.  If the McCarthy Era ever becomes fashionable again I want to be with my conscience and not my fears.  Fear is what has given us our current environment.  Fear of becoming a minority in a nation of immigrants.  Fear of being the wrong religion at the wrong time.  Southern Poverty Law Center, B'nai Brith.  Oh, they will come for me, those Agents of Orange.  Planned Parenthood, Emily's List...and so on.  Get the point? Basically my year end bonus has gone to financing my beliefs and the felt need of opposition to Agent Orange and his Minions.  And they are not the cute one eyed yellow Minions.  No, these are dangerous ones; the one like Steve Bannon who doesn't want his kids going to school with whiny Jews.  Those like Betsy De Vos who believes in school vouchers and schools of choice, which would basically kill public schools and create ghettos of them.  I am surprised, well, so far, that he hasn't made Ms. Palin head of the EPA only to have her disband the agency and let ecological havoc reign supreme.  Jefferson Sessions as Attorney General...might as well write off any proactive voter of civil rights adjudications.

The fact that Agent Orange has told his supporters to treat people with respect, he has opened a Pandora's box brimming with hatred for people of color, people of non-christian beliefs, of people believing that political correctness has no place in civil discourse.  He really can't unring that bell.  Hence I want to be really upfront with my politics.

I was scared.  I still am to some extent but the joinings have strengthened me to the point that I can read a newspaper, read news magazines (and thanks to whoever sent me a subscription to The Week...nice!) and watch the news again.  And I am heartened by the fact that the restaurant in Washington, D.C. that did not know what event it was hosting (It was the NPI holding a whites only rally) donated the proceeds of that evening to the ADL. Kudos to Maggiano's Little Italy for doing this.

It is time to remember the words of Pastor Martin Niemoller.

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me."

It is time to speak out and speak loudly. 

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