And I an still embarrassed. But life goes on, hopefully it does. The house is beautiful and I am basically happy save for our current pretender in chief. My garden is lovely, my credit score is soaring and my Luminosity scores are also on the rise. Capitol City Informatics has a permanent gig at the Williamston Area Senior Center and I must prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the 29th of the month, which is now June. If April is the cruelest month then June is busting out all over. Another thing I am embarrassed by is that the American Idiot's b-day is also flag day which makes him a schizophrenic Gemini (but I don't believe in horoscopes...that another Gemini trait).
I keep going back to he who shall not be named. He stole an election with the aid of an enemy state and no one seems truly upset with this treasonous behavior, least of all the Republicans, who place winning ahead of country. They are so drunk with power that they can't see the world is laughing at us and are a little more fearful of us now that a madman is at the helm of state. There used to be more good Republicans other than McCain and Graham. Bill Milliken of Michigan and George Romney, both good men. I can add Susan Collins of Maine to the list of good Republicans but they have and must start opposing more vociferously the madman in chief. This is just all crazy.
The deal with Kathy Griffin and the head of state should outrage you, but outrage you as much as you should have been when there were Obama effigies being hanged in the street. If you weren't outraged then, you don't get to be outraged now.
So, where does this leave me? Outraged and tired. Watch too much MSNBC yet every time I turn it one, between innings as it were, there are more and deeper scandals. And what the hell is a covfefe?
And on it goes. I keep waiting for the merry-go-round to stop but it keeps spinning out of control. Where will it end. 132 days in and I am still waiting for the other shoe to fall. And wait I will
Okay, onward. Tonight the Old Duffer is coming over, along with the very pregnant cantor, to rehearse for Friday services this week. Since I joined KI, my synagogue, I find myself playing guitar once a month at Friday services. Dinner is included. And the food is usually terrible. Tonight, however, I will make a Greek pasta salad for tomorrow night and that I know will be edible. Seems the people that cook have never heard of seasonings like, oh, I don't know, SALT and PEPPER. I will use a light hand but the salad will be good. Manicotti will be served so it will be a basta-pasta festival. My garden had produced an abundant crop of lettuce so the pregnant cantor will take some of it home to make a salad that I hope her partner will not overseason with fresh garlic and yes there is such a thing as too much garlic. Also, my herbs are herbacious. I can add Greek oregano to my salad as I have multiple kinds of oregano, basil and chives. Fresh, fresh, fresh. Lots to pick from. In spite of not a great weather in May the garden is thriving and my roses are in bloom a full two weeks ahead of schedule, like they pay attention to that sort of thing. My hand is finally doing better since I took the header on Grand River and Coolidge on May 6th. Still swollen and bent but I can play the guitar well enough for services and to teach.
The front porch has been upgraded and I sit out there while Simcha Cat complains that I told the boys that they could sit on the porch with me when we moved to Sans Souci. Simcha sits in the window overlooking the porch and yells at me. But I don't give in. I don't want them flying out the door when I leave the house in the morning just because it suits them. I thought about getting harnesses for them but again I don't want them flying out of the house without protection. And then there is Bernice, a lovely neighborhood kitty that likes to hide in my low bushes and watch the birds. She is very friendly. I see her across the street with Mrs, Shankland helping her plant flowers. A very helpful cat.
I am doing a great deal these days and still have two full years before retiring. Dan is taking me to lunch today, I hope because I am already looking forward to it, and we will get around to paying off the last of the credit cards. Then shred, shred, shred. I went to a BNI as Dan's guest and I have new contacts for my business, which is doing nicely thank you.
As for Sophie she is well. And Ethel is too, Phyllis, their mother, just returned home from a stint in rehab and is doing fine.
Alright, enough with this nonsense. Time for more outrage.
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