Sunday, October 2, 2016

Been gone too long

Well, darlings, for those of you watching this space for activity, tonight you shall not be disappointed.  My bionic self is back, albeit with her celestial cane and a pronounced limp (how does one limp with both legs?) (Badly)  I am like a Weeble: I wobble but I don't fall down.  Yes, I am two weeks into physical therapy, which has gone from using a walker, to a cane, to some walking around the house without the cane.  Today I took to the streets and walked a walk in the neighborhood.  My aim is to return to work the 17th of the month *that being October* and after the High Holy Days (Shanah Tovah).  I see the doctor on the 11th and should be cleared to return to work the following week, well within the twelve week limit of FMLA guarantee of my old job back.  As of yet I have not heard hide nor hare from management regards my position.  My supervisor, and I being her only supervisee, has yet to respond to my many emails.  So I have no clue as to what will await me when I return.  It better not be to a position that does not befit my stature of a long time employee in good standing (according to my evaluations anyway).  I even went as far as to contact the union to see if they could elicit a response from the ever reclusive supervisor.  Nothing, nada, zilch.  So a magical mystery tour awaits me I am certain.

So, I have been doing very little other than watching MSNBC all day and getting political overload and am in a constant dread of Drumpf.  Whilst I watch the TandV I do my stretches and exercises and motate about the house.  As I mentioned I walked the neighborhood today in hopes of seeing how far I fair with me and the cane.  See, my desk is the farthest removed from the ladies room and I don't want to return to work without knowing I can make it that far and back in a reasonable amount of time.  That is goal one.  Every day I will walk and every day I will walk farther.  Not the five miles plus a day I was walking prior to the multiple fractures, but a peace.  I have resumed cooking my own meals after members of the synagogue, KI, were bringing me meals on a regular basis.  That and the pizzas kept me going.  I have resumed playing the guitar with the Old Duffer and will be ready for open mike night at the synagogue on October 22nd (y'all come!).  Additionally I have finally resumed sleeping in bed as opposed to the sofa.  Yankel Cat had thoroughly deposited copious amounts of gray fur on the bed so I had to get well enough to change the bed so I could sleep in it without coughing up fur balls.  Success!!!

So, for all the kindness that has been shown to me by all my good friends, and you are indeed good to me, thank you.  Thanks for the cards and emails.  And thanks for all the good visits.  A special thanks to Sophie, Phyllis and Percy, as well as trusty JB who takes me to PT thrice a week.

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