Saturday, October 29, 2016

Bored, bored, bored

I am sported out and politicked out.   Bored.  Nothing is really on, SNL is a repeat and the cats have taken to sleep.  I am kinda off  my feed, satisfying myself on popcorn and Cokes all day.  Just that nothing sounded good  for dinner and I am sure Sophie will take me to task for my poor appetite.

I just had to give up my symphony tickets again as I realized I had a commitment to my synagogue to do an acoustic service.  We are rehearsing this week, the cantorial student, the Old Duffer and me.  Old Duffer wants me to play louder , essentially to drown him out so he can appear to be playing but have me cover for him.  I am hoping the cantorial student will get Old Duffer  to slow down on some of the songs of the service.  He just rushes through things and has no sense of time or melody as even I can read music better than he.  And then there is the issue of him not being able to hear well enough to turn his guitar, even with a Snark Tuning gizmo.  I committed to this service so no symphony for me.

Simcha Cat is doing very well.  His last set of blood work and urinalysis came back normal and since he has been off medication he has been perkier.  And even brother Yankel is treating him better.  We are all digging in for winter.  Lawn furniture and hoses are in the garage.  The last of the flowers has bloomed and withered.

As for me I continue my healing process.  I can walk pretty well without the cane but when I am out in public I need to use it to keep me stable.  I am walking more and more.  And after two weeks am getting a little bored with work. See, aside from the fact that I was in pain, I did come to like being off of work,without an alarm clock to rouse me in the morning.  I could see being retired.  And especially after I was more mobile and could go out for breakfasts or lunches with friends I really enjoyed being off. Of course I had no money coming in but at least I preserved my vacation time.  Oh, well.

Tomorrow I am going with a friend to my first Spartan Spectacular  Halloween is Monday.  I have an  appointment with the hand doctor on Monday to get injections for my various and sundry trigger fingers.  Seems I have a doctor for every body part.  The injections I have been giving myself for the osteoporosis aren't as bad as I anticipated them being.  In fact they are downright easy to administer.  And I think I have multiple conflicting doctor appointments on the 18th of November.

November!!! Geez, another year come and going.  Another year of fractures, and another summer spent indisposed.  Simcha was my unofficial doctor when I returned from the hospital the first time this summer, never leaving my side for the first week I was home.  Now as we prepare for winter they are all sleeping in the big bed with me.  Cheek by jowl all snuggled together.

Okay I really have a bone to pick with a barely a cousin person.  Seems she is the Michigan co-chair for Trump and I am embarrassed.  A closer cousin sent me the article from the Jewish News and I quickly read it, rolled it into a ball which the cats then sent to the confines of the litter box.  The article, which she wrote, trivialized the process of "coming out"... as a Republican.  If she listened to Trump and all the dog whistle terms he uses to defame Jews she might not be so supportive.  But you know, you gotta beware of the great Jewish Communist International Bankers who are destroying the world through their media.  I have heard it and seen it before and it is just antisemitism in wolf's clothing.  She should be ashamed, but she did the courageous act of coming out as a Republican and that was so hard for a woman of her wealth and standing in the community.  Money attracts Republicans and Republicans attract money.  Yep, that must have been hard to come out as a Republican.  What I can't figure out is how the people that support Trump who are working class, somehow consider him to be their champion, once again voting against their own best interests.  I just don't understand.  Even the Soul Sucker has been making  overtures to some Democratic friends that what we need is change.  I tried to warn these Dems that she would do this but she was talking a good game.  I wonder how deep a rift this will cause amongst them and their little bowling league.  Maybe Jack will even come out of hiding and rear her ugly head.

Anyway, I digress, as I often do.  Maybe I can find something wholesome to eat in the kitchen other than sucking on another Coke.  It could happen...and Bob's your uncle.

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