Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Greetings and salutations

Hello, Maude, it's me.  It is also Yom Kippur and I have hours ago returned from Kol Nidre services and the start of the fast.  Once again I am unable to sleep.  Gonif is roaming the house with me while the Bickersons, a.k.a Yankel and Simcha, are sleeping contently on the sofa.  When Mr.Simcha returned from MSU vet clinic Yankel was a hissing, growling mess of cat.  A friend suggested I rub Simcha with an article of clothing I had recently worn and lo and behold the hissing stopped and they are merely antagonistic towards one another, sleeping on the couch not two feet from one another.  Simcha is doing quite well since his ordeal.  Poor guy had his front paws shaved to put in IVs and his butt shaved to facilitate the insertion of a catheter, which I imagine was akin to threading a very small needle.  Simcha had a urinary tract blockage and many millions of dollars later returned home as the prodigal son, shaved butt and all.  I was very worried about him as he was hospitalized from Thursday to the following Monday.  He was so glad to be home he wouldn't leave my side for two days.  I myself tried to sleep in the bed but failed miserably. So another night up all night.

I was given my return to work paperwork today. Monday I return to the Library. I suspect I will be up all night Sunday, as is my habit the nigh before I return to school, er, work.  The good doctor with the barely pronounceable name gave me another prescription for pain meds.  It hurts to stand and it hurts to walk.  I just hurt.  And maybe that is part of the sleep issue.

Back to Simcha. He is awake and it is time to pill him.  He is super easy to pill, which has been a pleasant surprise.  As long as the pill is followed by a treat he is good with that.  I don't think anyone has had the new prescription food, other than a few scarf and barfs.  They are all getting wet food which pleases them to no end.

I am hooked on MSNBC  and have populated my Face Book page with liberal politics, and because they are public I have been flak catching from the Trump people; people who are convinced that Trump will win or there will be a civil war with the blood of liberals running in the street.  Sophie's stupid grandson, T.R.has found my page and spews the most hateful garbage.  I don't block people, let them rant.  I am certain the Soul Sucker will vote for Trump, if she actually takes the time to vote.  She would not vote for Obama the first time as she "knew" he would be assasinated.  She didn't vote for him the second time as the line was too long.  One hopes the Trumpians will turn away from the polls because of long lines.

Well, Simcha is being needy.  He is clinging to me making it difficult to write so I have offered up treats.  Noms as it were. So needy Simcha, Puking Gonif and hissing Yankel are all partaking in treats.  Probably the most solid food they have eaten in a few days.  Me, I shan't be eating any time soon, easy fast being Yom Kippur.

I am very proud of myself for figuring out the various tools I have added to automate the house.  I can voice activate my lights.  Next will be the TV and sound system.  But most proud was the removing an old email from my list so that I could transfer it to this machine.  God, I am going to be insufferable.

So back to work on the 17th.  I am hoping I can get some therapy in soon.  Don't know if I would be able to walk to a session but maybe a phone session.  Or not at all.  I have weathered this storm very well and am feeling psychically strong.  I am bringing in treats on as to herald my return.  I will be returning within the twelve week period of my FMLA and my job is secure, although I will be doing some nonsense work that bores me terrifically.  No more than an hour a day, I posit.

I am rambling on my new toy.  My smaller laptop has been used in my business and is sold so I opted to get a bigger machine, which came today and was paid for by the proceeds from Capitol City Informatics.  Money in out.  My first profit.  I am feeling confident and not in the least tired.  Off to watch more MSNBC and maybe try CNN.  Fox, I think not. I wonder, aloud, if Trump has such respect for women why is has Roger the Pig Ailes on his team, the Ailes who left Fox in a cloud of sexual harassment suits. Just the thing to bolster your brand with solid block of women behind you.

Well, the boys are all asleep.  May be time to join them, or at  least try.  See you all Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you an easy fast. Excited to have you back amongst us again!
