Friday, January 6, 2017

More in the way of blogs

I am endeavoring to blog more in an effort to wean myself from spending money shopping online whilst I multitask.  In lieu of money I offer words.  I made a resolution to not spend money this year in an austerity move to rein in my worse habits.  Not that words are not habits of sorts but I need to spend less and enjoy all that I do indeed have.  And after of year of literal bad breaks and ten weeks off without pay the austerity move is needed.  So you may expect more in the way my blog.

Slowly I am also going to endeavor not to blog so much about the election, Whew!  I am sure you all may have had enough of those rants.  So it is with a light heart I reintroduce Sophie and her clan soon.  Sophie recently purchased a home at the ripe age of 71 (and a 30 year mortgage...may she live long enough to pay it off).  Phyllis and Percy recently tied the knot (twice I hasten to add, once out east and once in Michigan).  The annoying personage of the Magic Plastic Tuna (not to be confused with the Green Tuna) is still an annoyance.  She came in like a hurricane, a bully, and continues to be the same bully she was, unaware that she is as annoying as she is.  It is entirely too loud here.  No one seems to speak in a stage whisper.  I must listen to my music to exclude the extraneous noises and keep my peaceful demeanor.  She came in today for a three hour cruise and has done nothing to merit her salary as she is not even doing the five books a day she purports to catalog.

I am doing my best to refrain from spending money I don't have and trying to keep my sanity in a crazy, loud world.  Best, however, to attempt one thing at a time, even though I am expert at multitasking.  My side business is booming, that is providing tech support to a sea of soon to be experts.  I have a breakfast meeting next week which may turn into into a grant to teach senior citizens, of which I may be one, how to use email, the internet, Face Book and maybe to blog.

I continue in therapy, still missing the at-large and still injured Hyphen.  My current therapist is adequate although I wish I had either Hyphen One or Two.  I was recently allocated fifty additional visits this year to see my therapist so there is still the need, or so the insurance company seems to think.

This is the first of a number of non-topical blogs I am hoping to write this year, all the whilst resisting that which needs to be resisted.

Watch this space.

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