Friday, January 6, 2017

Once more into the breach

Well, our computer system is slower than molasses in January, which is pretty damn slow giving the outside temperature today.  So here goes once again.

My third cousin (I really can't distance myself far enough away from that side of the family) was the Michigan co-chair for the Trump campaign.  Now this won't be a political rant...hopefully.  She and her family have money up the butt and other orifices so it is not surprising she and her ilk supported Trump.  However, when she announced her support and commitment (and she should have been) she used the expression "coming out as a Republican", which, by implication she must have meant it is as hard to come out as a lesbian, which she isn't (as far as I know but then her father is a pervert and is on my shit list for a variety of reason, none of which has to do with his party affiliation).  But I digress.  If her idea of a hard life is coming out as a wealthy Republican I will have to rethink this whole business of coming out (as in gay).  She, poor baby, has had a rough life of privilege and wealth.  She is almost a white person, but she is, after all a Jew, but she can pass for white. 

You know I am on a women's Seder committee for my synagogue and we are supposed to share stories of our family Seders from our past.  My most memorable recollection is the year that Passover was later in the spring and daylight savings time had sprung forward.  Dinner was very late and the Seder service was running long.  People were quite in their cups come the Plagues and my aunt said to my cousin Sid, who was leading the Seder, to hurry up and Sid uttered that traditional Seder prayer "Suck it up your ass, Elsie".  The rest of the meal was a debacle.  Now how can I tastefully share this with my Seder Sisters?

So I take what I can and leave the rest.  That side of the family is dead to me...mostly dead.  A cousin sent me the newspaper clipping of the Trump supporter saying she was coming out as a Republican, which I promptly smushed into a ball and let the cats play with it and it ended up, appropriately, in their litter box.  She may be wealthy but she is now bathroom reading for the cats. 

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