Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The thing is...

I just don't understand all this hate that has been bubbling to the surface in the last fifteen months or so.  The Anti-Semitic rhetoric, the gay bashing, Islamophobia, outright racial animus.  All bad.  I just just don't understand this.  I have often said, as many before me have said, your rights end at my nose and my end at yours.  That said I think people should be free to go about their business without fear of getting beat up, harassed or otherwise enraged.  I don't understand homophobia.  So what if someone is gay; really, what's it to you and what business do you have legislating against it?  So what if someone is a Jew, a Muslim, Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Taoist and I can go on and on.  What's it you?  Why does Ted Cruz (a man who looks like he is taking a perpetual leak (alright, not a nice thing to say in a rant about accepting people but I digress)) wants to push for a law called the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), which would basically permit discrimination based on your religious beliefs.  In other works if I am a baker and you are gay and want a wedding cake I can refuse, legally, to make one for you.  It's all discrimination whatever you cloak it in.  I use the gay example as I can think of no better example of irrational hatred.  What is it to you if I am gay?  What I am doing so evil that you must legislate me away?  You can force your heterosexual agenda on me, but if I try to assert my rights, and I do have them still, then I am make out to be the bane of your existence, as if you can't abide seeing someone else happy in their relationship.  And Jews, we don't proselytize, we are not in your face, yet we are hated for our beliefs and really, WHAT'S IT TO YOU?  People of color...WHAT'S IT TO YOU?  Why is it that some are not allowed to go about their business in peace.

So, what if the shoe is on the other foot.  What if you are a white nationalist?  Fine and dandy, just remember your right to hate me stops at my threshold.  Hate all you want but leave me be.  When hate takes action that is where I have issues.  Take Whitefish, Montana, aptly named apparently.  The "Alt-Right" man of distinction, Richard Spencer, of the National Policy Institute, wants a Neo-Nazi sponsored armed march against Jews in Whitefish (who knew there were even Jews in Montana) because of some slight he perceived that his mother received at the hands of the Jewish Cabal in Whitefish.  Armed march with Skinheads bused in from the Bay Area.  (Yes, this is factual and not Face Book fake news).  The hate is real.

Have your hate and eat it, too.  March and show your white pride.  But an armed march meant to intimidate a community should not be tolerated.  I am a card carrying member of the ACLU and they once protected the rights of Neo-Nazis to march in the predominately Jewish city of Skokie, Illinois.  That is their a free society (didn't we used to be free?) everyone is entitled to their own brand of love and/or hate.  But stop inflicting your views on me.  Stop with the hate.  Stop with the guns.  Also, while you are at it, stop legislating moralities and ideologies. Hands off my body and my mind.  The FADA (oh, we are back to that are we?) is nothing more than legalized hate.  I see the bands of white nationalists seething with hate at all these groups and I wonder what kind of world they want their children to inherit.  Hate is a destructive thing, a corrosive thing.  Hope is a thing with feathers...according to Emily Dickinson.  Hope is optimism and hate is the essence of a pessimistic soul, a soul full of darkness.  

So, since the election (oh, God, is that what this is all about?) I have seen so much hate stream out of the body politic.  Why aren't more people upset that Steve Bannon, of the Pepe meme fame, has the ear of the president-elect?  Why aren't more people outraged about what is happening in Whitefish, Montana?  Why?  And, more importantly, why haven't I mentioned Sophie and her ilk since the election?  Well, since I have this platform and I obviously think some will even read this, I am putting my outrage out there.  

On January 21st there is a march on Washington, D.C. and if you can't make that there is one here is Lansing, Michigan.  Lansing March details. 

Make a positive difference.  In other words, you thought I was a nasty woman before...better buckle up, buttercup!!!

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