Wednesday, February 8, 2017

I have decided

Donald Trump doesn't know what the hell he is doing.  Either that or he's more malicious than we thought and incapable of speaking in complete sentences that are longer than 140 characters.  And to all you Trumpians who believe he is making America it's time for you to get over it.  He's will destroy the working and middle classes with his "make one regulation, remove two" edict.  Ending the fiduciary responsibility of financial advisers, compromising the health of the economy and the safety of its citizens through brazen stupidity, and lordy I could go on and on.  Signing executive orders without reading them, trying to marginalize the free press.  Throwing tantrum after tantrum in a manner not befitting a leading of our democracy.  All this and more.  And President Bannon, who is probably of Irish decent (whose name in Gaelic means white or apropos) and who's hand is so far up The Donald's ass that it actually looks like Trump might be in charge.  Trump declaring that if the president does it, it is by definition legal and constitutional, all the while violating the emolument clause of the constitution and creating a mess of our economy (in due time, children, you wait and see).  All he knows how to do is brand and declare bankruptcy and that isn't really an option for our country now is it.  And he is a loose cannon who is putting our democracy at risk.

I have an African American friend who I believe is so conservative as to make Bannon look like a sissy.  He is thoughtful and articulate and we have enjoyed some back and forth discussing politics.  I have news for him...In Bannon's America he will be so marginalized as to not have a voice.  I have no problems with thoughtful conservatives, and even those conservatives who have joined the dark side of opposing Trump, as long as there is a rational basis for dialogue (beyond the "You lost, we won" variety) and a free exchange of ideas.  Mr. Bannon is a white nationalist, a would be Leninist intent on destroying the current status quo and making America great in his image.  A white European national identity, far more dangerous than the KKK, but giving voice to them as well.  I wonder how my friend feels about the conflation of white nationalism and the KKK.  All the hate that is bubbling to the surface.  This nationalistic movement rooted in populism gone awry is not healthy for our diverse culture and is putting all its citizens at risk.  He is antisemitic, a racist, a misogynist, etc., etc., etc.  He is not the America I want to believe in and be part of.  No, I am not leaving the country, although some may wish I would, but I intend to stand strong through this constitutional crisis and emerge on the other side a better, freer and diverse, not divisive, America.

And so it goes.

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