Friday, February 3, 2017

Just when you think...

This clusterfux of a shitstorm can't get any worse somehow it does.  My friend, Sister Our Lady of Perpetual Motion, who has nightmares about mushrooms clouds. those clouds are starting to almost look inevitable.  The Neo-Cons of a bygone happier time of George W. Bush are starting to look like absolute boys scouts.  Our president of perpetual puppet and his puppet master are heading us towards a war in Iran or China or Mexico, dammit we gotta have a war somewhere or what's a military and nuclear weaponry for.  Bring on the tanks, bring on the war planes, oh, it's one-two-three what are we fighting for, don't ask me I don't give a damn, next stop is...

As I approach my thirty-third year at the MSU Library I reflect on times gone by.  Used to be I was the youngest at the table of my friends, but now all those friends have retired and I am the old lady of the crew.  I recall being horrified at the prospect of war in 1990, which materialized.  I recall the doctrine of "shock and awe", which apparently this president also believes in.  I think what this president believes in, really, is nothing but himself.  But Bannon, there's the danger.  They would like it if all of our peaceful demonstrations turned ugly, like the riot at UC Berkeley.   But there is some suspicion, like the Nazis of old, those in power might send agitators to our demonstrations in hopes of starting violence and,thus, making it alright to send in the troops.  Well, if it worked for the Nazis and then the Soviets why not for the Trumpets.

So, now that the collective "We" have antagonized Australia, cosied up to Russia, threatened Iran and Mexico all in two weeks, and my we have been a busy boy, just when I think it can't possibly get worse it does.  It matters how we are perceived in the world community.  Our alliances, especially with NATO and honoring the Geneva Convention, should be recognized and honored.  I just can't believe that an ignorant, narcissistic, egomaniacal, man-child sociopath is in charge of the strongest military in the world, with Bannon's hand up his ass, or pulling his strings, or both.

Let us keep our protests peaceful...keep the pressure on Congress.  Trumpeezee had to cancel a visit to Milwaukee over fears that there would be protests and his fragile ego would have none of that.  Keep the pressure on.  Keep it peaceful.  There is a General Strike being organized for February 17th.  No work, no commerce, a shutdown.  Keep that a peaceful resolution.  Keep the pressure on.  Rise Up, as I am wont to say.  Let's keep the media free and let them hold our leaders responsible for their alternative fact universe they have created, The KellyAnne Con-Job statement about the Bowling Green Massacre is made up.  They need to make up stories to keep the masses afraid of foreigners and the truth.  There was no Bowling Green Massacre and that's why there was no media coverage.  She, the Minister of Propaganda, only wants news that follows the agenda.  She can wonder all she wants why the media isn't giving Trump a "fair chance"; he has proven himself unworthy of a second chance.  His transition team foreshadowed all that is now happening. So let's be vigilant, not vigilantes.  Let's "go high"  when they "go low". 

I have written my congressman, the spineless Mike Bishop, at least once a week.  I have called our AG Bill Schuette, who hopes to be our next fearful leader, numerous times as he supports what I prefer to call the "Muslim Ban".  My city, bless our tax dollars at work, has decided to oppose the ban.  My university is deeply concerned about the ban and along with UofM has chosen to not turn over immigration records of students.  Peaceful we are and peaceful we shall be.  Rise Up!

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