Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Once upon a time

... and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was coming down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo”

James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

So I begin.  Baby Tuckoo, also know as the mad woman upstairs, has had a difficult week.  Seems I am both unprofessional (alright, I know I should be, after all the union I am work so hard for middle name is Professional) and at the same time insubordinate.  I pick unmercifully on folks (some of whom actually are deserving of it).  More to the point, being bipolar (no this isn't an excuse or a rationalization) makes me more impulsive than what is good for me.  I tend to shoot from the lip.  For this I am sorry, but I keep doing it nonetheless.  (I love typing the word nonetheless (nonetheless)).  Sophie had an idea...I should write these thoughts out long hand (in cursive...I love cursive) and ponder them and then destroy the cursive copy.  Might get it out of my system and lead to less stupidity on my part.  Still, the mere fact that one of my co-workers insists on wearing cologne, in spite of being told repeatedly not to, makes me mad.  I don't know if she is stupid, thoughtless or stubborn but she keeps wearing cologne to work, which necessitated me leaving two hours early yesterday.  Alright, sarcasm aside, I was out of line to say to three people that they were trying to femme the place up with perfume.  There is no written workplace policy about this and I am hoping the Support Staff group (SSAG) can get a policy put in place.  Years ago Sophie was working in a department and someone was reeking of cologne.  Sophie went to the head of her department and said she was getting a migraine from the perfume.  The supervisor, with a degree of testicularity, told the offender not to wear cologne in the future.  The woman who sits nearby has been told at least three times to cease and desist in terms of cologne and still persists in wearing it, so, yes, stubborn, stupid and thoughtless all in one.  We'll see what SSAG can come up with.  

Today I have come in with raging allergies and I am of the hope that today will be a better day at work than was yesterday.  Getting home early I was able to take two walks, cleared off the front porch, rip up the rug and lay a new rug down.  In between walks I sat on the porch sipping a Bai and talking on the phone.  I opened the windows for the cats and turned the furnace down for the day.  It was a glorious sunny day.  I walked to Kroger's and back home with the intent of making dinner last night but I ordered in a pizza instead.  At 8:30 it was too late to cook so I had someone else do it for me.  All in all I walked in excess of eight miles yesterday.  I probably should have done some weeding but the rose bed is a little on the muddy side.  Still I cut back the roses and did some weeding with my special garden knife that a samurai would be impressed by.  So now the front porch looks great and I feel I was accomplished yesterday.  

Today I look forward to a no smell day.  Today, if I get upset because of perfume I will write a note to me in cursive and write an email to Baby Tuckoo's auntie that she might have to leave due to clouds in the vicinity of my desk.  I will endeavor to be  professional, keep my tongue in check, and, in general, behave myself.  Yeah, good luck with that...

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