Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Spring redux and the Renaissance Man

After two major snow storms in two weeks, the snow is gone, for good I hope.  The Red Cedar River is up overs its banks and flowing fast downstream.   Snow drops and tulips are making their way to the sun.  As for the amateur renaissance man he is at it again and convinced someone to give him a show and, as one person put it, you can hear the gallery scraping the bottom of the barrel.  Computer distorted and generated images without any skill other than knowing how to matte and frame.  But this is the Era of the Amateur.  How else can you explain Donald Trump.  Yes we want an outsider with no political experience, a hair trigger temper and a racist following that the Klan is very proud of.  Don't tell me racism isn't alive and well in this republic.  It is rearing its ugly head the the form of Mr. Amateur, the Donald.  Makes the thought of moving to Canada all the more appealing.  Not truly feasible for by that time Canada will have built a wall of their own...

Trump scares me...he is the worse America has to offer.  But Cruz isn't much better.  As I watch election returns pour in on MSNBC the more frightened I get.

God help us all.

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