Monday, April 18, 2016


What a glorious weekend we had.  Blue skies smiling for me...

I left work at noon on Friday, ostensibly to await the arrival of my weekend house guest, a youngish African American woman convert to Judaism.  The Rabbi, sly dog that he is, matched my offer to her as a way to get me to come to services this past weekend.  Aside from having a lovely Sabbath extravaganza in house, the lighting of candles, the prayers, the "communion" of the evening, I did not go to synagogue.  My house guest and I spoke quite a bit about Judaism.  The only Kosher food I had in the house for a Sabbath dinner were the Kosher hot dogs from the Opening Day Party (Oh, come on now, they were frozen, geez).  I grilled and set the table for the meal.  She was supposed to stay Saturday night as well (I discovered I had Kosher spaghetti sauce) but she stayed with her parents.  I don't think I did anything wrong, other than not to go to services and watch a lot of baseball...but we did have some interesting talks. 

But I digress.  I left work early, came home and worked in the yard.  My tulips are up as are my daffodils.  The backyard seems to have weathered the weather okay.  I met with my yard guy and told him what I wanted and needed done.  So Friday was a success.  Saturday I met with a psychologist who I had wanted to see but she thinks she may have found a better fit for me.  I did a lot of walking and Sunday I did more walking and trips to the hardware store to get soil for my planters.  Blue skies indeed.  I did over 20,000 steps Sunday which was close to eight miles.  Must remember to wear a hat in the sun as I managed to get a little too much sun as I am sun sensitive now due to some medication.  Blue skies.

I have the windows at home opened.  Last night didn't get as cool as they predicted.  More blue skies today.  My hummingbird vines should arrive today and after therapy I will plant my slap happy face off.  I think tonight will also be a good night to grill  a steak.  Nothing but blue skies do I see.

MPT seems to be back from vacation.  Brace yourself for more throat clearing and harrumphing. Dang!

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