Thursday, April 21, 2016

How offensive was I?

That's really not a fair question as I know I can be really offensive without even putting my mind to it.  I was out a-walking the other night and my neighbor from across the street was walking her Boston terrier and she said "I live across the street from you" and I said I knew that.  Then, as I was finishing my walk a number of neighbors were in my next door neighbor's front yard admiring Zelda the German Shepherd puppy.  A number of people were there and out of my mouth sprang the following..."You know, this gathering puts me in mind of the Old Testament verse '...and ye shall know them by their dogs'..."  A mild titter ran through the crowd and I took off for my abode leery of a potential mob scene on the order of the night the villagers went after the Frankenstein Monster with their torches held aloft.  Well, sometimes I can be really impulsive with my mouth, shooting from the lip as it were, without thinking of possible consequences.  I share this with you as some of this is the Bipolar Roller in me.  Always quick of wit, I speak without thinking (and even more often I think without speaking which is really the safer option).

Moving on.  I am currently involved in a group that is dealing with the issues of anxiety and depression and while I can't tell you what goes on in those meetings I can tell you what my reflexologist tells me about inflammation.  I gots it in quantity.  Colitis (as in a girl with colitis walks by...see: the Beatles) and osteoarthritis to name but a few.  Some might attribute psychological issues with the body's immune system and the inflammatory processes.  Interesting concept but I also know how much I have been helped without changing my diet and by taking medication.  Would I like to be off medication?  Not really if that means changing my diet so radically that I would no longer be able to eat a Mounds' Bar or enjoy a cheeseburger.  I have been dealing with the psych issues my whole life, the colitis since I was 19 years of age, hypothyroidism since I was 32, and so on.  That's the new normal for me.  And, basically, I am content with my lifestyle to the point that I even don't mind the fact that I am capable of saying the wrong thing at an inopportune moment.  Or that my temper oft gets the best of me.  But things are settling down.  My home is my sanctuary and what I eat makes me happy.  That is not to say that I couldn't wake up tomorrow and decide my life needs to change as does my diet as I have grown weary of the health issues.  But, as I said, that is my normal.

So I share this with you.  Inflammation may be the bane of your existence.  But, to wit, too woo, I share with you a quote from Albert Camus, a quote that may have had him labeled an optimist instead of the Existentialist he was deemed to be.  A quote which may have had him drummed out of the Existential Corps...or it is truly the most Existentialist of thoughts.

“My dear,
In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love.
In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile.
In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm.
I realized, through it all, that…
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.

Truly yours,
Albert Camus”

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