Saturday, April 30, 2016

A new computer

Whilst I was misbehaving at the library, whilst I was pondering a very early retirement, I resurrected a business I had started many a year ago.  I have the DBA for Capitol City Informatics on file with the county clerk's office.  So like any good entrepreneur I enlisted the services of a company to print business cards and brochures to pass out at an upcoming BNI I am invited to this Wednesday.  The nature of the business is providing tech support to a class of people who are terrified of their cell phones and computers, which is something I have been doing all along with my retired friends but now I can have a business doing just that.  Whether I retire now or in a few years the business will thrive.  I had to re-order the business cards as I found a better design and they should be here Tuesday.  Now I just need some people in need of my services.

I got a deal on a new desktop computer which is what I am typing on even as we speak.  A  one TB hard drive, an optical disk drive, wireless keyboard and mouse.  Windows 10 and a touch screen monitor.  Another retirement project will be to publish selections from this blog.  And this is a business expenses for CCI.  And I can be a published authoress and get a cheese board from the library next year.  Woo Hoo!

I had a busy day which is ending with a rather lengthy session on the computer.  Up at 7 to a decent day, put a load of wash in and changed the bed.  Unpacked all the plants that came yesterday.  More than I have room for I am afraid.  Watered everyone down and took off for a longish walk to Kroger's and Ace.  At Ace I purchased a tool called a Garden Weasel and it turns soil and digs up weeds manually but thoroughly.  Plucked long strands of grasses from my rose garden.  I am currently soaking the roots of a rose bush which may get planted tomorrow should this rain cease and desist.  Monday should be a better day for planting.  And speaking of Mondays, which I am, I now have Mondays off for the summer.  I used to take Fridays off but as the Magic Plastic Tuna has Fridays off it is better for me to take a Monday off and only have to contend with her constant throat clearing, giggles and idle chit chat on the phone and with visitors to her cube three days a week.  None of these noises can be covered by the dulcet tones of my iPod playing at full volume.  Of course doing that makes hearing my phone ring nigh on impossible.  Good thing it flashes when ringing (not that I can see that if I am engaged mentally, which is most of the time).

Sunday will be a gratis tech support day with friends.  Prior to their arrival I will hit the Kroger again and maybe Panera's for a few salt bagels, which are my favorite.   If the rain disengages long enough I will do some planting before 2:00.  I am hoping it stops raining long enough at dinner time that I can light a grill and have me a flank steak for dinner.

All of this is pretty mundane stuff.  Last Friday I went to a demonstration at the Broad Museum on campus. I introduced myself to Selma Hollander, a doyen of the first class however redundant that may be.  She and her late husband have donated literally millions of dollars to the university in general and to the library in particular.  She has a heavy New York accent in spite of having lived in East Lansing since 1958.  Next year she will be 100.  I gave her my library business card and told her about my business and she said she would call on me in the library and get some guidance.  She would like to write her memoirs.  Anyway, I was a big brave girl talking to her.  Regardless of the interest of the program I did manage to doze off a tad, fully awakening with the applause at the end of the presentation. 

OK.  I wanted to get something down tonight before tucking myself in bed.  I have nothing of import to report.  Banality is my middle name of late.  Relations at work have been repaired.  The annoying gnat who was doing her best to get me in trouble (she said I was "targeting" her) (I say she is an annoying gnat who wears too much perfume).  Well I have no idea where she has gotten herself off to.  Others have complained about the smells and the administration will issue an edict about scents in the workplace.  The feet pedal issue is resolved.  A great many things are resolved.  I did endeavor to find a new therapist and went so far as to speak with a PhD who said she would get back to me but never did.  I guess that is one promise unfulfilled.  Unresolved.

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