Thursday, April 14, 2016

It is official!

If I so choose, by my next birthday I could retire.  Good knowledge to keep in my back pocket. Y'all here me now and tell me later, by this time next year, and I am just saying, I could be retired.  A few months ago I didn't feel mentally prepared but as the spring blossoms and I have my house and yard to putter in and a stack of books I have been meaning to read I feel I could retire to my safe place and enjoy life, that is what remains of it.  So sounds the trumpets and beat the drums...there is none so free as someone without something to lose.  If the PTB don't like my attitude, feel I have been insubordinate...oh, well.  I am outta there.  Not saying it is happening this year but if things roil to a boil,  as they did a few weeks ago, I can turn my back on the whole thing and retire.  Mayhap that is what the PTB would like. I am a mere cog in the system and Lou Anna isn't going to lose any sleep over me; actually, I doubt many people would.  But the solace that the option to retire brings me is sweet.  Ideally I would like to stay until 65, three more years or so, but I don't have to.  Bring on the goodbye song...Na, na, na, na.  Na, na, na, na.  Hey, Hey, Goodbye.

On a more serious note, how about a C#?

No, but seriously...I am thinking of changing therapists.  I have a test drive this week with a new psychologist.  It's not that I am tremendously unhappy with Terry but one of the prime reasons I am going there is I can walk to the office and quite frankly that is not enough to keep me there.  This one has a Ph.D. in psychology and Terry is a social worker.  With the Ph.D. you get egg rolls.  She also specializes in people with bipolar and I have been thinking that I am Terry's first, which may be sweet but isn't all that satisfying.  And the main problem with Terry's office is I can't get a set appointment...some weeks I can get an appointment, some I have to wait two weeks to get in.  Not very helpful if you are in a crisis, which I seems to have been in for a bit.  Also as the original Hyphen is not going to return to practice that inevitability makes me want to find some one for the long haul.  Terry seems more involved with keeping up with MSU sport teams and making time to take road trips to see the boys in Green and White play than in having a practice...It just seems...So I am going to the booby hatch on Saturday and I will take it from there.  So, to my friends Jack and Aaron (and some less than stellar commentators) the Angst over therapy resumes.  Hyphen 2.0 would have dropped me in retirement and I would be at the same place I was months ago.  And while I felt a strong connection to 2.0, I do not feel the same towards Terry.  To wit, to woo, I move on.

And now this.  If you self publish a book, which I am planning to do with this blog (much as Cheryl Strayed did with Dear Sugar (not that I am equating myself with this writer)), should you be "validated" by getting a cheese board honorific with people who themselves have researched and writ  books, people that, IMNSHO, are true authors?  The fact that I can go to Amazon and self publish a book and have it available for print on demand or pay to get an ISBN number diminishes the whole notion of being a published author.  Amazon and the Espresso Book publishing experience is to publishing what the printing press was to the craft of writing...something that broadened the world, sparked revolutions, drove literary movements, and also created the whole concept of hack writers...of which I am one.  I can do paint by numbers but that does not make me an artist or should that be an artiste?  I am just wondering...out loud, as usual...And I was, once again, heartened by the fact that one self-publish author did not get his cheese board honorific...but maybe I shall receive one next year, or is it send in the clowns, well, maybe next year, or I am here, but only for a little while longer...

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