Monday, August 17, 2015

Alright, I know I promised

I just had an almost literal run in with the Magic Plastic Tuna.  It may not have escaped some people, but then again...I am on crutches and have a walking cast on my right leg. So, that being said I was en route from the restroom to my desk and the MPT approached and stopped in place, gave me an exasperated harrumph, and made me walk around her.  Now, I could have stood my tenuous ground and made her move, which is what I will do the next this happens.  And there we will stand by the copy machine, neither one of us moving to give ground.   See looked at me as if my fly was undone and something aromatic was coming from my person.  I don't deserve this.  I know the clump, clump, clump of my approach could be annoying but her personage is annoying.  I am not injured because I have nothing better to do than annoying the piss out of her.  But she seems to think this is the case.  So, just so we are clear, I have a broken tibia, some tendonitis in the Achilles, arthritis in the foot and, in general, am a mess.  So, hopefully, this is the last you will hear my mention the MPT again, foul person that she is.

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