Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Progress of sorts

Not exactly the Pilgrim's Progress, with apologies to Bunyan, but my progress, healing the leg-wise.  Things are progressing nicely with the boot, although it is more comfortable without it at home.  I can put more weight on it but still, with or without the boot, I need the crutches.  I am somewhat accustomed to people opening doors for me (with the exception of the crazed MPT) and, in general, most people have been very helpful, especially Sophie and JB.  Even Ethel Nussbaum has helped haul garbage out.   I really need, however, to get all the boxes out of the house and off the porch.  Maybe I can get Natural Clean to do it for me.  Anyway, it is taking a while to heal and taking me more time to learn to let people take care of me while I am unable to do some basic functions, like hauling the garbage out and breaking down boxes.  I feel not unlike a turtle on its back: out of my element and marginally helpless.  I can only image what Hyphen 1 is going through with her recovery. 

Today is Hyphen 2 day and I have been writing down some things that concern me, like the intrusive thoughts that plague me night and day.  Death, dying and destruction elements (and don't tell Sophie your darkest nightmare as it will come back to bite you in the ass) all float in and out of my stream of consciousness.   Also, I'd like to know if Hyphen 2 just wants me "back on my feet" or will accommodate my desire to have a consistent fall back position.  Something else to ponder with her today.  Right now I view therapy as a continuous process of self-discovery.  Insights, if you will...even if you won't.  The long journey to death...Oops, there is an example of my intrusive thought processes.  So, that is on the agenda for today.

Yankel the Cat has conjunctivitis and some seasonal allegies.  Right now he sounds as if he is constantly rooting for truffles.  Snort, snort, sniffle, sniffle.  He is waiting to see the vet Thursday and getting his own Benadryl for kitties.  Still the snorting and his size makes him the perfect analogy of a truffling pig.  Or a trifling pug.  In any event I can't wait until I have to chase after him to give him his eye drops in my condition.  Crutch, crutch, thunk, step.  That should be too much fun.  Oh, Sophie...more help please.  Yankel is big and strong and not easy to medicate.  This should be fun...not!

Alright, enough for this morning.  On to the mundane.

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