Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Can I say a few things?

First...OUCH!!!  This leg crap is seriously hurting.  Being at work is hellish.   Second...crutches suck.  And, to wit, to woo, it hurts to walk with them and without them.  I can't put full weight on my leg and I can't tolerate the shooting pain in my arm pits.  Maybe I needs a pit stop.  In any event I am stuck with them.  Sophie has been of immense help.  Mrs. Shankland called yesterday and asked if she could do anything so I suspect the neighborhood has and will be mobilized on my behalf.  I hate being this helpless and asking people to assist me in my daily tasks.  It, like the crutches, suck. 

I meet with Hyphen 2 today at 4:00.  I may let her know what her name is.  She, I suspect, Google'd me as she knows more about me that my history sheet.  She is good and a great fit.  I just wish her office wasn't on the second floor with no elevator.  But she has given me a standing appointment I can live with.  I shall talk about more serious stuff today than my not feeling grown up.  Especially now with so many people taking care of me.  It's hard to let that happen.  But back to Hyphen 2.  She's a keeper.  She also looks a great deal like Hyphen.  So that is a help in the therapeutic setting.

I apologize for not writing more but I seem to be fixated on the pain in my leg.  I shall endeavor to write more.  More about Sophie/Gastric.  More about JB and LAD and all my helpers.  Dang, I hate being this helpless...

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