Friday, August 7, 2015

The report

The MRI report basically is a mish mosh of old age problems, including osteopenia related fractures. Also, some tendinitis in the Achilles, arthritis in the foot, a hematoma, and as the king said, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.  Couldn't bear to go back to work this week as walking with crutches is about all the work I can tolerate.  I have been sleeping a lot and much to Sophie's dismay not eating very much.  Simcha Cat has been giving me repeated Cat Scans and basically staying by my side all day and night.  Yankel seems content to want me to trip over him, or maybe fall on him, while Gonif is happily slumbering in his nest.  I endeavored to sleep in bed last night and that was a disaster.  I am running out of places that deliver food and the birds keep rapping on the back door for food.  Sophie will take care of some of that today along with her sister Ethel.   The Rabbi came to see me yesterday and to discuss a music night at the synagogue, and no, that is not something cryptic; the Rabii really did visit with me yesterday.  Basically I feel helpless and depended and you know how much I love feeling this way.

On Tuesday I had my second visit with Hyphen 2 and am confident that seeing her was the correct choice to make.  While it would have been nice to be able to walk to get to therapy, that shouldn't have been the only reason to have seen the $200 an hour Calvin's Mom.  Are you kidding me...$200 an hour for a psychologist...a forty five minute hour at that.  No therapist is worth that.

So home I sit while the town is awash in great events this weekend.  Depression is mounting.  What to do, what to do.  Back to work Monday.  Damn, this sucks.

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