Friday, August 14, 2015

Pain redux

Here I sit, loaded up on drugs for pain and the pain is merely swimming upstream.  I can only sleep for forty five minutes at a time.  So I decided to take a hot shower and try to relax.  I have a call into the Putz, really that is his name, and I am hoping he sees fit to order a walking cast.  It is a new experience in pain everything I put even the slightest weight on the leg. I am not a happy camper.  And I basically feel like a turtle on its back having everyone taking care of me.  What would be lovely would be a scooter.  I haven't been back to work since Tuesday  when I believe I took too many aspirins and made myself sick to the point I thought I was going to faint at Hyphen 2 and she was very concerned.  I had to cancel my appointment that day.  It wasn't until Thursday that I started feeling better and could finally eat something.still, and when Hyphen 2 called to see how I was feeling I felt very guilty and ashamed and this is a new twist for me.  Something to work on in therapy.

I am not used to having so many people take care of me.  Sophie, who counted the number of times I invoked the Diety's name (sixtyfour times) in my painful state, and has sinced reminded me of that.  I am still saying that as I am still in a great deal of pain and nothing seems to be helping.  I really don't want to go back to work only to make the pain worse.  It is hard for me to feel so helpless and to allow people to take care of me.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the closing on the condo is looming.  I ordered the payoff on that mortgage.  That is good news. I received a quick note from The Original Hyphen. Must respond in kind.  And work on the backyard jungle continues and should be landscaped in a week.  I am trying to focus on some positive things,  back to work Monday and I hope to have either a scooter or walking cast by then.  I fear if we aren't mor aggressive the leg will continue to ache and not heal.

1:09 a.m. And still wide awake and in pain and this is my uplifting message for the day.

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