Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Ah, for the love of 2.0

Yes, I have been a bit weepy and sad over the loss of 2.0.  To the point that if I see the name or see a city in Australia I immediately think of the therapist I would have liked to work with forever and what set me off into this pit of depression.  Doing somewhat better and the new therapist and I start this coming Monday.  Feeling a bit off, sad, and a bit off, in very lightheaded and what I like to refer to as urgy.  I had some surgery a few years back that makes it impossible for me to puke.  And I have felt nauseous and sick to my tummy for a couple of days where a good puke would have been welcome.  But not so much.  Thanks to the Polar Vortex and her approval of major surgery over laparoscopy made it so. 

I am anxious today as we have a rehearsal for Jamming Jews and I have to sing and play this week.  I thought I was out of the singing business but not so much.  All the songs I thought Dr. Stan was going to sing are now relegated to me.  I had to change some keys as my voice isn't what it used to be.  I did practice this morning and get some more complete sheet music.  I am all a-twitter and anxious about tonight.  I need to eat a nice lunch as I will have no time to graze before I leave for rehearsal.  My feed has been off of late.  That's the urgy talking. 

And my hand...a trigger finger on my left hand which will require surgery in two months, was injected with cortisone on Monday and truly it still aches today and is still triggering.  In addition I have a nice bright bruise where in injection was made.  OUCH!!!

But more to the point I have been super busy, super manic about some things and very depressed about others.  Been on a virtual spending spree.  That demonstration we went to, a Taste of Parma, bankrupted my taste buds so now I require, yes, require, the finest balsamic vinegar, the finest DOP prosciutto and parmesan.  Oh, my good friends coming for Thanksgiving, what a treat you will be in for.  I ordered lovely cheese from my cheese monger which I can pick up Sunday from 11:15-11;30 a short distance from my house.  Hopefully by next week, after Jamming Jews, after the new therapist, I can slow down for a bit and enjoy a few days of rest.  That is what I need the most of, a little less mania, a little less spending, a little less depressed moments over insignificant things like Sydney and Canberra.  MUST MOVE ON.   And do so graciously and not take anyone down with me.

So that is what I have been up to.  My new glasses, cyberglasses, will be in after Thanksgiving.  I must get fasting blood work done next week.  Doctors, doctors, and more doctors.  Dang!!!

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