Monday, November 30, 2015

Abrupt ending

I guess I ran out of space during my last post so here I am tying up loose ends.

The Soul Sucker ditched Sophie and me because we were and continue to be rude, crude and socially unacceptable.  Now Sophie is afraid of running into her and has no intentions of making up.  Me, She wouldn't give me two seconds of thought but  I  think she'd like to make up with Sophie, which, plain and simple, ain't gonna happen.

As for the Rat Bastard cousin, he is dealing with his own Alzheimer's and is carted around from place  to place by his, wait for it, Jewish-Scottish man servant.  I believe there is some justice in that.  I rarely speak to anyone on my mother's side of the family. Rat Bastard's kind will alway have their way but will also someday have their day.  First Alzheimer's, then next I shall send a plague of locust to be followed by my favorite plague of all, frogs.

Just tying up some loose ends.

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