Sunday, November 1, 2015

The confidentiality agreement

With 2.0 precludes me from revealing the exchange of letter between us.  She did want me to come for one more session to achieve closure.  Fux closure. I am angry and hurt and hoping Calvin's Mom will consider taking me back.  I just need some continuity in treatment.  The three letters she sent were gentle and apologetic, although she did hint I may have over-reacted a tad.  Maybe that is true. I shall ponder that.  But suggesting in a PollyAnna fashion that I had a good life so why the depression was naïve. There's an old joke about twin boys.  One is an absolute pessimist the other the eternal optimist. Their birthday approach. To the pessimist they give a roomful of every conceivable toy.  The kid looks in his room and says "is that all there is to life". To the optimist they give a roomful,of shit.  Well, soon they hear a whoop and holler coming from the optimist's room.  They enter only to find the boy digging through the shit. The parents are in a quandary.  They say to the boy. "Your brother was so sadden by a roomful of toys, yet you are happy with a roomful of shit" "Well" yes the boy says "but  I figured with all this shit there must be a pony".

Well, I am the first child.  Moody and depressed.  The house has made me happy but today with the time change it was dark so early.  Is that all there is to life?  It there a meaning to life?  We all will die, not knowing how or when, but it will happen  room full of shit isn't going to produce a pony.  Life may or may not suck.  And does one really have to imagine Sisyphus happy.  Rolling that damned Boulder up the hill only to see if roll to the bottom and lather rinse and repeat.  Ah, well, this too shall pass.

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