Wednesday, November 18, 2015

First sighting of the day

Yes, I just had my first virtual 2.0 sighting of the day.  Doom and gloom are in the air.  Make me depressed that I left things so incomplete.  Must make a memo to move on.  But until then I am having a virtual meltdown and like yesterday and the day before have taken massive amounts of Valium, ok, an effort to move on.  I am very stress about the Jamming Jews and making a torte for the fancy dessert part of the evening.  My fault entirely for blowing off so much practice time.  My heart is just not into music right now.  I hate practicing and playing.  I have, in truth, cancelled all lessons until I feel more like playing.  If ever.  Maybe spring will help...but no, I must garden and putter and there is so much to do.  Maybe summer when I putter less.  Putter, ponder or play.  That is the question. Is it nobler in the mind to ponder the slings and arrows of practice or to merely putter like the amateur I am. 


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