Tuesday, May 3, 2016

...and then all hell broke loose

Gentle Reader,

Monday I began my summer schedule which is Mondays off until September.  So last Monday I was going to the basement to put a stool away only to find that the basement was flooded about two inches deep.  I did what I usually do, which is to panic, and panic I did.  I finally regained enough composure to call the Sunrise Construction and Restoration (517-351-4200) (and yes that is a shameless endorsement).  They were out with three trucks within the hour sucking up the water and removing the waterlogged contents of the basement.  Still three hours later the water was still coming in through the drain.  Thankfully the plumber (PAE Plumbing...contact me for the umber) was out by 3:45 and proceeded to snake the drain to the street.  What he found was gobs and gobs of flushable (which are not truly flushable) wipes and since i never use the darlings I am certain it was a gift from the former homeowner.  I had to file my first insurance claim and I have a $1,000 deductible with a $5,000 total payout.  As I sit here writing I can hear the whir of the fans drying out the basement.  The floor is ruin and the paneling (did I ever tell you how much I hate paneling?) is ruined.  I was planning a basement refinish in a few years and now it looks like that rainy day is here.  My one day off morphed into two.  And to tell you the truth I am exhausted from dealing with this.

They were having a "petting zoo" with dwarf Nigerian goats at the library today and I really wanted to see them.  Problem was I had therapy at 1 so I suggested we take a walk and see the goats and she was all for the idea.  It was a beautiful day for a walk.  In the end I walked a total of almost nine miles today.  Therapist and I headed back to her office and we talked some more.  Actually it was the best therapy session I have had in a while.  Still I am wasted away with having to deal with the crisis.  I finally got a nap in tonight and then had a very late dinner of a Bell's Pizza.  As the fans are sucking all the electricity in the house I am afraid to use the microwave as there has already been one surge protector blown.  The fan noise is especially loud in the bedroom.  God knows how I can sleep tonight.  Maybe I will call Aunt Marilyn and get some solace before bed.  Seems like a good night to take a sleeper.

Tomorrow is the last symphony of the season and Sophie and I shall attend.  Prior to dinner I have an appointment with the rheumatologist.  Then dinner out (Red Lobster...another shameless plug).  I am hoping the basement is dried out enough by tomorrow so I can have Brad start the restoration, like tearing out the panel and and what is behind it and treat as if there is mold.  The floor can wait.  This year's housing fixer upper is redoing the front porch with new wood and screens and then repairing and replacing the woodwork around the exterior of the house as well as having it painted.  Brad did my house remodel before I moved in and he is the best contractor (and honest) I have ever come across (490-4920)  (yes I know).  I must promise myself to have that drain snaked once a year, preferably on May Day.  Oh, God, oh, God, oh God...what a mess.

So now it is late and I need to get some rest as I am actually going to work tomorrow.  I will hope when I come home the fans will have done their job.  And I need to relax and get to work in the rose garden.  I planted a few small plants today as well as a rose bush.  I still have much to plant and I am thinking this weekend will be ideal.  I do believe (I BELIEVE!!!) the danger of frost in the city has been passed and it is safe to plant my perennials and s few butterfly bushes as well as another rose bush.  I think the tomatoes will be better of in the garden than sitting in a box on my porch with all the herbs. 

Well, my buddy Yankel Cat says it is time for a pill and bed.  And who am I to argue with a twenty four pound cat?

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