Saturday, July 16, 2016


Well, another summer, another stress fracture, this time in my left femur, in about the area where a cyst had developed and weakened the bone.  I don't know what they can do for me.  I am still walking and Motrin is alleviating most of the discomfort.  I also found out, as the result of last week's bone scan, that I have spondylolsis in my lower back.  That sounds dreadful, and it is slightly painful but I have been dealing with it for a while.  What that big word refers to is the wear and tear of the spine as one gets older.  Poor Sophie has the same affliction, but not knowing exactly what it is she was certain it was something much worse.  No treatment, thus no cure.  That can be bad in itself but the diagnosis isn't  particularly dire.  I go see the orthopedist on Tuesday, Dr. Uitvlught.  And if you can accurately pronounce his name there is no co-pay.  I suspect he will want to remove the cyst and the screws in the femur from a prior fracture.  Well, not so fast.  Having been on crutches most of last summer ad early fall I don't plan on the same scenario this summer.  I trust Dr, Uitvlught will be willing to wait until late October.  I can deal with the pain.  This has been going on for some time and I have a high pain tolerance.  So Motrin and slowing down in my best option until November. 

I am just angry about this.  Yet another stress fracture.  What next: fallen arches?  As they say 'getting older isn't for sissies' and I add 'it beats the options.  I have been a little depressed about this latest injury but still I went for my walk this morning with only a little discomfort.  After I see Dr. U on Tuesday I have a therapy appointment to deal with the fallout. 

Still with a small stress fracture in my femur I still managed to do laundry, going up and down the stairs any number of times.  I went for a five mile walk this morning once the Motrin kicked it.  Went to Kroger's to do some shopping.  As I was walking home with two small bags of groceries and my weekly selection of flowers, some guy in a pickup truck tried to, well, pick me up.  Offered me a ride to which I said calmly no thank you and changed my direction home lest he follow me.  I can only imagine some poor young thing taking advantage of his offer of a ride and God knows what the outcome would be. 

It's coming on 12:30 and after my night meds I am still unable to rest.  I have since cleaned out the freezer side of the refrigerator and tidied up the fridge section.  And now I am reduced to blogging about my day.

But a Hyphen moment.  After finishing up here I will write to Hyphen to see how she is doing and see what response I get.  So, excelsior.  I am off.

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