Saturday, July 9, 2016

Mercy, Mercy Me part II or what I have learned in the last news cycle.

This is what I have learned in the last twenty four hours.  African Americans do not have Second Amendment rights and they also have no right to police protection when someone opens fire at a Black Lives Matter protest.

Philando Castle had a carry permit and told the officer he had a weapon,  Apparently that wasn't good enough as when he reached for ID he was shot.  The NRA has been strangely silent about this shooting since the victim had a carry permit.  They are the first to say people have the right to carry weapons but apparently this is only true for white people.  Then in the aftermath of this most recent shooting the Lieutenant Governor of Texas said the BLM protesters where hypocrites.  "All those protesters last night, they ran the other way [away from the gun fire] expecting the men and women in blue to turn around and protect them" said Dan Patrick.  He also blamed the protesters for creating the environment that led to the shooting "Too many in the general public who aren't criminals but have a big mouth are creating situations like we saw last night".  So cross off another Amendment, that is the First for free speech is only for those who don't have a big mouth.  The NRA has also been strangely silent about the shooting in Texas.  There was a gentleman at the BLM matter rally with a AR-15 strapped to his chest.  Mark Hughes  attended the rally as a open carry advocate.  He is African American and was initially identified as a person of interest in the shootings, He had no connect to the shooter, Micah Johnson,   This was an ambush as carefully planned as any of the recent spate of mass shootings in the country.  So both the "good guys" had weapons and the bad guy was armed with a semi automatic rifle, among other weapons.  The "good guys" having weapons did not deter the shooter.  So where is the NRA on this?  Where?

I'll tell where to be seen.  And while Donald had a suprisingly civilized Face Book post on the matter his followers couldn't wait to post likes and then to add calls for  the coming race war...One person, Jeff Minder said "I am calling on all my brother's [sic] in arms to begin the process of gathering together in your local communities, take inventory of your skills and abilities, freshen up on small unit tactics, and prepare to face the enemy".  Tiffiney John Stebbins responded "We're prepared down south...only we can fix where our country is headed."  And Max Wolfe responded "STARTING Race Wars is only PART of what brings this nation to "MARTIAL law and "THE MOMENT Martial Law is enacted Obama EXTENDS his presidential role.  WAKE UP  - He's NOT a savior or friend to Americans of ANY color".   Similar posts follow calling for the election of a strong leader, like Trump, to deal with "these people".  And Trump is as strangely quiet about these posts calling for a race war as is the NRA calling for gun control.

So, class, what have we learned today?  A race war is needed and a strong leader to step forward to save us.  African Americans have no essential First or Second Amendment rights.  Their only right is to be targets.  The NRA has no balls when current gun laws turn and bite them in the ass and Trump is a coward stoking flames of hatred in his egocentric bid to become president of yet another failed company.

Please support Black Lives Matter, because they do.  Please support an open and a sane dialogue on guns.  And support an open and rational  dialogue on race. 

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