Monday, July 4, 2016

Post script

It is now 11:15 and the assholes have entered the twilight state.  Bottle rockets and firecrackers going off left and right.  I have already yelled at them once this evening and I just got back from a second visit.  Another neighbor was following me doing the same thing.  I have had two sleepers and I am agitated and the cats are looking at me with fear in their eyes as they collectively huddle in the bathroom making it neigh on impossible to walk in without stepping on a cat.  11:30 and M80s are going off all around me.  The kids next door I can deal with.  But idiots who favor M80s and emergency rooms are another story.  It is supposed to stop by midnight.  If not I can call the police, as if they don't have anything better to do than to write citations for firework violations.

So, I am watching the Dodgers play the Orioles.  Slow game but that gives me a chance to listen to Vin Scully and hope he can lull me to sleep.  There is no grandma's bedroom to sneak off to and listen to the radio.  I have never yelled at the kid before but he is a real space cadet and probably won't remember me tomorrow. as well as James who also gave him a piece of his mind.  This is not the time to take a third sleeper.  Now is the time to lay down and rest and hope that five hours of sleep will serve me well enough tomorrow to get by.  Breathe, relax and go to the bathroom to pet a cat.  I don't remember it being this bad last year but then the neighbor didn't have that kid living there last summer.  And surprisingly their dog didn't seem to be bothered by the noise.  Oh, well, what can you expect from a German shepherd name of Quasi.


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