Monday, July 4, 2016

Moody fireworks

The cats are skulking about due to the fireworks being set off on the street. The asses assume because it is the 4th of July they can willy nilly set off firecrackers without repercussion.  The are wrong.  The cats are frightened and I feel compelled to constantly apologize to them for the noise.  They don't understand and are frightened.  And I am scared as well.  I have to return to work after a week off. See, you didn't even miss me.  I had my first extended time off over ten years.  Since the last trip to Europe in 2006.  And I will tell you, if this past week is a prologue I am indeed ready to retire.  I enjoyed a week of lunches out. dinner with friends, and long walks in the morning and late afternoon.  A five mile path of purposeful walking.  I was getting out first thing in the morning and the sky was always azure and clear.  Walk around the hidden lake.  Stop at Biggby's for a mango smoothie.  Walk some more.  Yup.  I love the summer and I love the time off.  It will be difficult to return to work.  I am anticipating a haggard night's sleep. A sleeper is in order.  It will be like all thouse Sunday nights agonizing about going to school the next morning.  Sneaking into my grandmother's room for solace and the late night radio.  Mike Whorf and Night Flight.  Radio all night long and the comfort of knowing my grandmother was in the next bed sleeping or listening to the radio as I was.  But those days are way gone.  I rely on the cats for succor and they are scared shitless.  No grandmother to comfort them only me to apologize  constantly for the noise.  And it isn't even dark yet.  Fireworks set to go off at the end of the baseball game downtown.  And more apologies.

Skulking cats.  Quivering cats.  And me not wanting to go to work tomorrow.  Not that I am competitive but with all the walking in I am leading my Fit Bit group.  Eat my dust.  Now, will I be able to get in almost ten miles a day while I work?  Probably not.  But I have been in the lead for two weeks and am up 40,000 steps as of this evening.  Not that I am competitive.  Yah, eat my dust.


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