Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I'm with her

No surprise there.  But watching the DNC is like a breath of fresh air after the dystopian world of the RNC.  How refreshing to see not a sea of predominately white visages of the RNC but a beautiful palette of colors of the DNC.  Instead of hype we had hope.  Instead of angry voices shouting "lock her up" we had "I'm with her" and I am.  To quote GB Shaw "You see things; you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?'" That is the difference between the two parties right now.  The Republicans paint a gloomy picture of the last eight years and in spite of "facts" which are real, they rely on a feeling that tells them "something is wrong".  Not that anything is, mind you, they just "feel that way".  There was a wonderful interview with Newt Gingrich denying the use of facts and saying it is more important that we see what people feel...YIKES.  Reality check, Newt, things are really kinda good right now and that doesn't bode well for your guy.

The economy is so much better than it was eight years ago.  Better than when Republicans ran up the national debt from a Clinton surplus over an ill-advised war.  Crime, in spite of "feelings" is down across the board and while there are pockets of crime in some of our cities violent crime is down across the board.  These are facts.

I keep going back to Trump as the candidate of the Angry White Man.  A person who has seen white people become the minority in this country.  They abused their "privilege" and now must face a Cassandra chorus.  Instead of acting as if he were not responsible for the problems, Trump sees himself as a solution.  Yes, there are problems in this country, not the least of which is the systemic racism we still deal with on a daily basis.  But not the outright dystopic vision of the RNC.

Two different worlds, we live in two different worlds. 



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