Thursday, June 4, 2015


Well, actually ducks. Not only were Fred and Ethel here this morning but so were Lucy and Ricky. Ethel, and yes I am sure it is she, seems to have acquired a limp and, in the Darwinian mode of the nature, may not be long for this world.  The two sets of ducks were fighting over duck feed and territory. Like you do.  They are gone now (but not forgotten...I hope Ethel survives and day and only has a mild sprain, otherwise it is Hawk fodder)

Went to a bad baseball game last night with a few of my neighbors.  Had a chance to really talk to them and it was a very good evening save for the fact that my Lugnuts were trounced, not unlike the Tigers.  We left in the seventh inning before the stretch.  Humphrey the Camel was there and smelled terrible, as camels are wont to.  I had made backup plans in case Sophie was unable to attend.  I wonder if Soph knows my voice mail has a time stamp.  Oh, well, she does now.  I suspected last week that she would not want to go so I asked the neighbor ladies if they would like to go.  I still had to eat one ticket, but what the hell they were free.  If Soph had actually wanted to go we might have had issues but I was pretty sure she wouldn't go.  Still, she left me hanging until almost 4:00 without really committing one way or the other.  I would have been mad had I not had a contingency plan in place.  I suspect she knew last week she wouldn't want to go.  And I know the secret about the Fitbit.  Oh, how I love being the techno-slut I truly am. 

Last night after I got home around 10 I called Amazon to get some tech support and ending up calling Comcast at 11:30 to get more information about my internet connection.  That said, I practiced the mandolin for a half hour around midnight, had a Coke and a smile, and got about two hours of sleep.  Good thing I am a tad manic this morning.  I am WIDE AWAKE.

Reflexology on my poor arthritic hands today at 4:00.  I will have to hoof it home and be ready by 4:00.  I can do it in about twenty five minutes.  Supposed to be nice today through Sunday.  We "library musicians" were supposed to have a "concert" in Beal Garden tomorrow but the original forecast called for rain, which has been delayed and out "concert" rescheduled to next Friday.  Gives me an extra week to practice the ten song play list. we go...WHEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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