Monday, June 1, 2015

The weekend at Sans Souci

In spite of the downright cool weather this weekend I managed to get all my walking in.  My new size twelve jeans come today and the big girl jeans went out the door to a friend's neighbor.  I feel almost svelte.  Still have to get rid of the tummy and that is going down.  The weight loss is apparent in my facial features.  Which is a good thing as my critical aunt is coming on the 16th of  this month and I should be able to get down below the weight she saw me at a few years ago.

Saturday was nicer that Sunday.  But in the hours before the dang cold  front passed Saturday I put in a raised vegetable garden bed and hauled ten forty pound bags of top soil and put it in the garden.  Saturday after dinner but before the show of Kinky Boots we went to a great local green house and I picked up eight heirloom tomato plants and four green pepper plants, along with more basil, spearmint, thyme and dill plants to front the garden.  Did that Sunday and staked the tomatoes and green pepper plants.  Also bought a rather large potted tomato plant and put out my cherry tomato plant.  All in all it looks great.  Today after therapy I will go back to my new home away from home Ace Great Lakes Hardware, and get two more bags of top soil and seed the front lawn, grass seed not more veggies.  The front is very shady and scruffy looking.  Getting better since I seeded once.  Now I will patch with soil and seed.

 I have Mondays off the rest of the summer.  I used to take my long weekend starting Fridays but with the Magic Plastic Tuna off on Fridays I thought Mondays off would only make three days a week in which I would have to contend with her.  And I plan to make good use of the time off.  Today a high school friend is coming for a late lunch and then off to therapy I go.  No lesson tonight so I should be able to seed the front.  The south side of the house looks great with the roses and perennials.  The back is kind of lawn at all, lots of maple tree volunteers.  I have wild strawberries all over the place and what I may do is rake the back and seed with wildflowers.  The deck and the new patio look very nice and I will have my first barbecue party Friday.  We may christen the firepit and roast marshmallows for me and s'nores for Sophie and two friends.  I have a planter by the patio and will plant today with carnations.  Dwarf day lilies may go in the back or on the shadier part  of the front on the house,  along with two purple calla lilies.

Sun is coming up.  I love this time of day.  Especially the extra time of daylight.  Makes me a happy girl.  I'll go out walking about 8:00 a.m. and hit Kroger.  That will give me lots of time to relax before making a frittata and putting the finishing touches on a fruit salad.

It's gonna be a good day, Tater.

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