Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Lying eyes

More than just an old Eagles tune.  One way to get on my "dark" side is to tell me a story without a grain of truth.  Well, that is not quite true...if you are going to the trouble to lie to me make it THE BIG LIE.  The more outrageous the easier it is for you to keep it together.  The simple lies tend to trip the liar up, trying to keep all the threads perfect and connected.  With THE BIG LIE you tell it to everyone and the same story.  Not one song to person A and another dance to person B.  That sort of lie often comes back to bite you in the ass. 

So, Soph is M.I.A. again.  God knows why, as no one here does.  I am certain the reason will be revealed as to one as not to all.  Nine days into the month and the grand total of vacation days and the sick day are gone.  Twenty some odd days to hold it together...hold it together when you'd rather leave early on a Friday.  I am glad I didn't have to rely on her yesterday for a ride to therapy as she has proven to be vastly unreliable these last six months or so.

What I need to do for the sake of my mental well-being is to let this go and move on.  My tenuous well-being.  But lie to me and watch out for the bite in the ass.  More needs to be said in private but I am past the point of patience.  Not let this upset me, as it clearly is, and just let go and, as they say in AA, Let go and let, well, I am not over the top on that score. 

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