Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Magic Plastic Tuna strikes again

Well, I was 'heartened' to discover that the university's decision to implement a smioke free campus is little more incipient Fascism.  Social engineering on the order of  Nazi Germany.  It is but a slippery slope.  No, my dear friends, the true evil in the world is, as you might have guessed, PLASTIC!  Quell horror!  I am just short of apoplectic at the analogy to Nazi Germany.  The Tuna obvious has no grasp of history (or logic).  And that PLASTICS are the bane of our civilization.  Really dear, I thought you were more smarter than that.  I guess I was wrong.  I can't begin to tell you on how many levels you are wrong.  Not to mention nearsighted. She is leading the parade against PLASTICS.  If only she could devote similar energies to the actual betterment of MANKIND.  Ending hatred of all stripes.  But the bottom line is I can't even begin to address her specious analogies.  And I am the one who is mental?  She is off the rails on this one.  Of course she is entitled to her opinion.  But goodness knows what squirrel is running loose in her attic.

I have only one thing to say: AARRGGHH!!!!

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