Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My new home adventure or the Big Dig

Photos later but first a story.  For a while, a month maybe more, I just caught a whiff of natural gas when I entered my house.  No one else seemed to notice so I wasn't too concerned.  But yesterday I thought " Nu, so get it checked out". So I did.  Now my front lawn and half the street is dug up fixing a major rupture to my gas line coming into the house.  And, oh lucky me, we did not have to evacuate the house last night, just stay up until 12:30 a.m. while they put in a temporary line to the house.  And, oh  yes, they'll be back today to put in a permanent line and hopefully they won't need to demolish the porch to get to the rest of the gas line.  So at least I had heat and hot water last night but I think the rose bed I put in last spring is no more.

So when the skies lighten I will send pictures, a.k.a. the rest of the story.

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