Friday, October 30, 2015

The reponse

Well, Sophie has read the responses from 2.0 but I have not so there is really nothing to report.  Other than the fact that I collapsed last night into a puddle of nothingness, forgot to eat dinner due to extreme fatigue and awoke this morning at 2:00 a.m. and, miracle of miracles, was able to continue sleeping.  So now I am afraid to read those two letters from 2.0, which she claimed to not have read until 10:30 p.m. (that much I did see) and I am sure the letters are as gracious as mine were hostile.  Well, maybe not hostile but a little on the angry side, shall we say.

With some sleep under my belt I am feeling better, save for my stomach which is rebelling from all the caffeinated products I consumed yesterday: from two Cokes, to a handful of Stay Awake tablets and, of all things, chocolate caffeinated mints.  Yes, the tummy is less than happy.

Also, I had a very productive meeting with the psychiatrist, and when I emerged from his office I had sheaves of paper with various and sundry prescriptions, most of which were to help me to sleep a more restful kind of sleep.

Upon arriving home I found Mr. Snay working his electrician's magic on my new porch lights, which, happily enough, change colors on command and right now I have them set to orange for Halloween.  They are very bright and really illuminate my front porch, which is all I expected.  But to have green lights for home football games, blue for Hanukkah, etc., was totally unexpected and a delight.

So, dear friends, the haze has lifted and I am basically afraid to read the letters from 2.0 for fear that they will sink me back to a pit of despair.  I'll save them for next week.  Yes, I am chickenshit about things like that.  I just want a happy and restful weekend and that I shall have...

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