Thursday, December 10, 2015


Much to my surprise and amazement the gas company landscaped my front lawn this week, removing the eyesore that was the mounds of dirt on my front lawn.  That has served to cheer me up.

This week after therapy my pal from Jamming Jews stopped by and wanted to play music for a few hours.  I, again much to my surprise, agreed and he stayed for solid hours. Seems I have trouble setting boundaries.   He can't read music and has no sense of timing or rhythm so it was a mournful two hours, especially coming after a hard therapy session.  I, again, much to my amazement, agreed to have him over next week.  I will say one thing for him, or maybe two:  He is earnest about playing and enthusiastic as well.  It is unfortunate that his playing doesn't quite match his enthusiasm.  And he kept trying to say I was not playing the melody as written, which in fact I was.  God help me.

And speaking of which,  I suspect the MPT will be all up in arms over the Christmas decorations that have appeared in the workplace over night.  Or at least I can hope.  I want a rant...a good one...full of sound and fury, as Macbeth would say, signifying nothing.  Oh, my world for a temper tantrum.  Any minute now.

Once again I did not sleep much last night, staying up late to watch MSNBC and then unable to sleep.  See, I had to do laundry around 8:00 as I was napping on the couch only to be awakened by the dulcet tones of Gonif Cat puking on me.  Off went the clothes, into the shower went I and then down to the laundry room to do the wash.  By 11 all was washed and dried and the puking festival was yet another unpleasant memory.

I have neglected to open any Hanukkah presents the last two nights as one: I was tired and depressed, and two: I was depressed and tired.  Tonight I shall make up for lost time.  Sherpa, Sophie and myself are going to the Dickens' Dinner on campus and look forward to a festive evening.  Mayhap with the festivities I will feel like opening a few presents.  Sophie is taking me grocery shopping today and them home while we wait for the magic hour of 7:00 p.m. and the start of the festivities.  Maybe between the "offensive" Christmas ornaments and the MPT my holiday spirits will be renewed and I can rejoice in my holiday.

So until then adieu, adieu...

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