Monday, December 21, 2015

It's about to get better

The winter solstice is upon us.  Tomorrow marks the longest day of the year and from there it is all uphill to longer days and shorter nights.  Alright, so you won't really notice this so much for a month but, hey, it is ongoing.

I think about my grandmother Dorothy this time of year, along with the solstice.  Hard not to.  But it has been thirty years since her death and her youngest sister just died two years ago at the ripe old age of 105.  I lit Yahrzeit candles for them and put them in a hurricane style lamp and put them on the from porch lest the cats set the house on fire.  Actually when I lit the candle I lit it for all my great aunts and uncles as I doubt anyone else in the family is doing it.  I sent a check to the synagogue, like a good doo-bee.  All the while waiting for the solstice and the start of the descent into spring.  Of course with the weather being what it is lately I doubt that the snow shoes will get much of a workout this year.  Raining like all get out today.  Dark and dreary.  Here it is after 9:00 a.m. and really it is still quite dark.  But, hark, the solstice is coming.  Let us be light and airy.

Thirty years...OMG...

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