Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Hanukkah is over and Christmas and New Year's approach.  Seasonal depression is upon me.  I don't mind the cold and snow but no sun...that is the rub.  I need my sun to keep my cheery disposition.

UnHyphen is working out well.  I had an additional session with her this week as I was uncertain if I wanted to keep working with her but the session went well and I feel relieved to have the newest search for a therapist over and and done with.  I had a thought that maybe a therapist who was Jewish might be a better fit but none in the area take my insurance and I am not about to shell out $200 an hour out of pocket to facilitate this possibility.  So for the time I will stick with UnHyphen and ponder if I want to see the original Hyphen if she returns to practice.  If Hyphen 2.0 had worked out long term that wouldn't be an issue.  Now I am thinking about Hyphen as a possible solution.  The only thing about the UnHyphen I do not like is the mandated Blue Care Network 45 minute hour.  It used to be the 50 minute hour and who knew I would miss those five minutes.  Now Hyphen 2.0 sessions would run over an hour (a real hour) as she liked working with me, or so she said.  But UnHyphen sticks to a schedule and sees a client every 45 minutes.

I had an incident with my primary care doctor a bit back.  It was not the first time she kept me waiting over an hour to see her.  But I was, ostensibly, the first appointment of the day and one hour and fifteen minutes of waiting made me walk out of the office with my lab results in hand and a demand to have a new primary care doctor assigned to me, all that was without seeing my doctor.  The last time she ran over an hour late I kind of laid into her about my time being valuable and not having enough time to constantly wait for her overbooked schedule to accommodate my needs.  Thus, a new doctor.  I thought maybe she was doing this on purpose as she didn't like working with me.  Maybe she didn't and this was her passive aggressive approach to dealing with me.  In any event I am seeing a new, yet to be named, doctor or nurse practitioner.  I just need someone to order labs, read them and they give me my regular prescriptions on a yearly basis.

Other than that I have been entertaining a great deal and enjoying having the house as my place to do so.  Sunday coming I will go pick up my holiday cheese order from the farm market.  They have a particular favorite, a chipotle espresso cheddar.  A little heat a little coffee taste and a hearty heigh ho cheddar.  Also the triple creme brie with almonds and apricots.  The new two events with be the new year's bowl games, featuring a victorious MSU team and then a quiet New Year's day dinner, replete with a rib roast and Yorkshire pudding.  Percy and Phyllis will be there as will Mustang Lady and her GM husband.  And an old friend from the library who wishes to meet this new beau of Phyllis.  Then a weekend to recover and then no staff holidays until Memorial day.  It should be a good chance to start building up my vacation time.  Right now I have minor hand surgery planned for the 15th of January to release a trigger finger.  Then it is smooth sailing.  Well, not so fast.

Seems one of the jamming Jews, a emeritus sociology prof, is intent on playing music with me once a week.  He isn't very good but he is enthusiastic.  This is another case of me needing to set some boundaries.  When he comes he stays over two hours.  One wouldn't be bad but two is torture.  I need to say to him I have to get something around after an hour.  He is coming today (but can't come the next two weeks...aw, shucks).  So I shall gird my loins and see if I can, indeed, set some boundaries.

And so it goes.


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