Monday, May 30, 2016

Truth be told

I was just pondering my last post and it made me sad.  Not just that I had lost a friend but that we are all getting older and more and more of our time will be spent at funerals and memorials.  I worry constantly about my friends, my retiree friends.  I want to hold them so close so nothing will happen to them.  I worry that I will lose them, or that they will suffer some of the ultimate losses that makes going on so hard.  And as most of my friends are women I worry about them losing their husbands, their soulmates.  Sophie, dear woman that she is, was the first to lose a husband.  She did not misplace him.  He died sixteen years ago.  It was a New Year's Eve/Day when he died at home.  And that home was no longer a home for Sophie.  Sixteen years have passed and she now seems more assured of herself.  But it took growing pains of sixteen years.  Seem is 70 now and my friends who are in their 70s now when they will suffer a loss, and they will, might it take them sixteen years to move on, if at all?

Hyphen dear sweet Hyphen was always the one who would point out we never know what life has in store for us.  And that hit her so hard in the end that she is no longer able to practice.  The traumatic brain injury so injurious as to make it hard for her to think.  But Hyphen dear sweet Hyphen would opine that is the way of the world.  You just never know.

I worry that the cats grow older.  I look in the mirror and wonder where I went. Time is a thief.

And yet...

I was out walking this morning and decided to change my route.  I meandered through a new neighborhood for me and as a hawk swooped down and landed in front of me and I pondered this meaning, I looked up as he flew off to see, through the buildings, a huge man-made lake surrounded by homes.  Of course this proved to be a private lake, the bastards, and I couldn't get any closer than
the road.  For those of you in the area it is between Harrison and Coolidge on Chartwell Dual...So if Hope is a thing with feathers, this young hawk showed me the hope of the lake.  Of people enjoying ann early morning on the lake, a shimmering clear sand-bottomed lake (none of this muddy lake for these home dwellers), shimmering under the morning sun.

Some days I find growing old to be a gift and not a thief.  Some days the concept of being a crone is very appealing.  I think the crone is the female counterpart, in a good sense, of a curmudgeon.  We are wise from our years, we have learned from our years.  Yes, I am still dealing with past hurts in therapy but the new hurts pass much more quickly as I learn to be still and let the time sink into me.  Yes, the cats grow old, but at least they do.  It is better than the options.  Yes, I worry about losing them.  I worry every time my Aunt Marilyn calls early in my day from California that she is calling to tell me someone has died.  I listen to her contemplate being 85 and all her ills, both mental and physical, and hear her fret about growing old and the fear in her voice.  I am twenty three years her junior and some days I feel that fear.

I shall bypass the long philosophical question and quest of what happens when we die.  I think that is just that.  I worry about the pain of dying.  Yes, I have heard from others as they watched loved one pass, that as the body dies in stages it is painful, not quite the dying in the sleep we all ultimately hope for but more often than not a morphine induced haze to make the transition tolerable.

So aside from the pain of dying and the questions about the soul, should there be such an entity, I have no complaints.  I hope to have a life well lived and live I shall.  I shall enjoy the cats, the yard, my roses, my home, my neighbors, my neighborhood, the raccoons who live in my trash can...yes all this and heaven too.  Life will go on after I have gone on and that is as it should be. 

Sunday, May 29, 2016

It just seems...

Like two weeks ago we had snow.  Since then the sky has opened blue and the temperature uses each day into the 80s.  Life is good and the sun is warm.  The boys, at least two of them, have found a sunny spot in the dining room window.  Hence this...
These boys enjoy the sun as Yankel Cat lay under the ceiling fan in the bedroom.  

Yes is was two weeks ago today that we had snow and if the worm had turned that was the turning.  Two weeks ago I was covering my tender tomato and pepper plants with a sheet to protect them from a frost.  Two weeks ago today I meandered to breakfast wearing a heavy jacket.  Two weeks ago today seems like an eternity ago.  

Today it was in the 80s and the sky was azure.  I felt a certain optimism. Yet there was sadness in the air.  There was a memorial service for a former library friend.  Her son and neighbors arranged an outdoor memorial service in her backyard; a yard filled with plants of every sort.  A kind of wild garden, an absolute epitome of the women herself.  And, as an aside, an old friend from the library showed up from Connecticut and actually hugged me.  It was bittersweet seeing her again.  I had been a total asshole when she worked at the library while she finished her MLS.  I am reminded of the Paul Simon song "Still Crazy After All These Years".  She seemed so glad to seem me I just had to smile.  We talked about the old times ad had a glass of cheer...still crazy....

It was a wonderful memorial for the master of the backhanded compliment.  She was an immigrant, a stranger in a not so strange land.  She was a person who valued bluntness.  And was she ever.  She worked alongside my pal Jerry and the two of them were quite a pair: he murdering the English language and she bluntly exposing the truth.  My favorite of her compliments was to a friend, actually Sophie, and she said to her "most heavy women could not wear a outfit like that but on you it looks good".   She was a good German woman, a child in Nazi Germany and emigrated after the war.  Durrkopp was her maiden name and her father, as she told it, raised horses for the Nazis.  They were spared some of the atrocities of war because of this.  She emigrated after the war and married.  The couple them came to MSU where, according to her, she killed her husband by making him quit smoking whereupon he took up chewing gum and choke on said chewing gum and died.  And she would bluntly tell this story time and again.  

The last time I had a chance to speak to her was at Jerry's wake, not to be confused with his memorial tree service.  She was 89 at the time and made a point to tell everyone this.  I worried about her driving as she never got over the fact that there was no Autobahn in the States yet she drove as if she were on it.  She made it to a few of the Library's social after that but really stopped coming after she turned 90 or so.  She grew addled and ended up in an extended care facility and died shortly thereafter.  Her neighbors today spoke of caring for her in her own house until she became so addled it was no longer practical.  She was 93 when she died.  Her neighbor Rita, with whom she spoke nightly, quoted a line from Emily Dickinson, which I shall parse here:

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

There will always be a part of me that will miss her: her bluntness, her love of orchids, her love of nature, her love of her dogs, her love of learning new things and her lead foot on the gas.  It was a beautiful day for a memorial and a fitting tribute to my friend.

Monday, May 23, 2016


On my feet.  I gots 'em.  Spending a great deal of time walking of late and working in the garden and regardless of the fact the I wear good shoes I get blisters.  I think this is my mother reaching out from the grave and saying her famous line  "I don't know why you got (fill in the blank).  It doesn't do (fill in the blank again).  Some of our biggest fights were over my choice of footwear and her insistence that I were heels or flats with a too small toe box.  I rebelled with my footwear, moreso as I got older.  So in addition to blaming mother for the blisters I am also blaming sweating feet and rubbing toes.  My feet seem to be misshaped from years of toxic footwear.  And a small blister from yesterday turned into a massive blood blister on my big toe today, a gift from a long walk into the art fair in East Lansing, where I swore I would not get anything I could not carry home and I ended up carrying home a too heavy garden sculpture make of iron and stone.  A gift for the house, specifically for the back yard.

This house has received more gifts from me than I can count.  First the gift of me.  Then the remodel, the new rugs, furniture, lamps, the new kitchen, the new bathroom and the countless gifts of filling the house with home goods, like sheets, towels and sundries.  I must learn to acquire less and enjoy what I have.  But this piece of rustic rusting iron with a bevy of stones spoke to me, in a zen sort of way.  So home it came to be placed between the deck and the patio. 

More gifts.  The rose bed...looking good.  I think I now have twelve rose bushes.  Most are floribundas.  Some are ground cover.  They are set to bloom in a week I should think.  The area on the side of the house where the roses dwell gets full sun and the soil is very clay-like.  Roses love clay soil.  Also I threw in a handful of ten penny nails in each hole I was planting the rose in as they also love iron.  And the roses last year, the first year of my rose garden, were spectacular.  Fragrant and beautiful. 

Monday promises to be a busy day as I have therapy and then Sophie, ah yes, Sophie whom we have heard little of since her retirement, is taking me to a nursery to get a flat of flowers to border the rose garden.  I would like to get some potted flowering annuals to spruce up the House. The House That Must Be Fed.  I think that is why I had the flood three weeks ago.  Not paying homage to the house.  Well more flowers are coming, baby, and all will be right.  No more floods...please...pretty please.  I should also like to pick up a patio tomato plant just because.  My small vegetable garden is doing splendidly, as is my herb garden.  Today I put the larger tomato plants in bondage, circling a cage about them.  And I have been watering them and caring for the gardens.  All that I currently have is planted so of course I want more to plant.

Mrs. Kravitz from across the street showed me her garden and patio today.  She has really paid homage to her home.  Pots of flowers everywhere the eye looks.  I don't want to go that crazy but then she has lived there over forty years and has collected lots of pots and lots of ideas.  I rely on my sensibilities.  I have pots in the garden but they are not suitable.  Her pots are lovely.

So anyway off to Van Atta's we will go.  I have to be home by 4:00 as the Old Duffer is coming by to play guitar with me and I am hoping he would like to do so on the front porch and take advantage of the weather.  Last Sunday, the 15th, it snowed.  This week not so much.  It was lovely in every sense of the word.  The flowers that bloom in the spring, tra la.  After Old Duffer leaves my friend Eastman is coming by to set the TV up.  See there is another present for the house.  A great deal I could not pass up on a newer TV than what I had.  A 4K UHD TV...Yahoo and all that crap.  Eastman will get the older one for a small price and he will make good use of it.

That should be all the presents for the house for a long time.  I should be receiving a check from the insurance company for my loses in the flood.  Four itemized pages of loses.  Who knew I had that much stuff in the basement.  It was as if another person had taken up residence in the basement and it was she who sustained the loses.  Still I am waiting for money like manna from heaven.  It has only been a week since the paperwork has been filed but dang give me the money.

And so dear children as the moon is full and so am I off to bed I go with dreams of flowers in my head.  Up early to take a walk and do some grocery shopping...gotta get my steps in, and then a 12:00 therapy sessions, home again, home again jiggidty jig and off to Van Atta's.  Too bad I ain't all that tired.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Maybe now it is a sure thing

Maybe now the worm has turned or more to the point the weather has turned.  Since last Sunday's appearance of snow the weather has slowly and steadily improved to the point it is no jacket in the morning and shorts in the afternoon weather.  Windows are flung open at home and ere know I am sleeping in a sweatshirt the windows are staying open at night.  The tomato and pepper plants survived last weekend's snow/sleet/hail/rain storms and the herbs did well, save for a lonely basil plant which the Good Tuna, that being the Green Tuna, shall pick up for me today at the plant sale on campus.

This place is lousy with mice.  I was out in the Cyber Cafe as a daredevil mouse fell from the sky, or rather the ceiling, and two Cafe employees were attempting to capture it with a device consisting of two plastic cups without lids so as to escort it out of the building.  Dang, we need us some library cats to patrol the dwindling stacks where the mice seem to have found a home away from home and other inconvenient places like office desk drawers.  I once asked about having a library cat or two, as some libraries do, but was told too many people are allergic to cats to populate the stacks with them.  Also, I think it might be a tad unnerving to see a cat with a mouse in its mouth off for a quick bite.

Which reminds me of a story, as these things do, of a cat name of Moon, a beautiful Russian Blue (the Archangel Cat).  Moon Cat was a prodigious mouser.  He also enjoyed having a bit of meat with me at dinner at night, which he would play with for a while, the meat that is, and then eat.  One night I was sleeping in bed and Moon came in playing with his piece of pork steak I had given him at dinner that night.  I reached down to grab the meat away from him, as he was disturbing my sleep, only to utter those fateful words "Oh, shit, meat doesn't have fur!"  Yes, he had brought his latest kill into the bedroom and was presenting me with a gift.  Of course in German a gift is poison.  Yikes. 

Into the weekend we go.  Planting some tonight, ground cover roses.  Additionally, off to Le Kroger for some groceries manana.  Tomorrow brings the Art Fair as well as a Tea at the Kellogg Center, both of which I will attend.  Sunday should be a quiet day with lots of time in the yard weeding.  A puttering sort of day. 

Ah, Green Tuna has just delivered us from, wait, not evil, but a basil free summer.  Five, count 'em, five basil plants.  Pesto anyone?

Monday, May 16, 2016

Two words that should never be in the same sentence...

The 15th of May and snow.  Yes, dear friends, it snowed in East Lansing today.  Not too much but enough to ask what the hell is going on.  It has been an unseasonable spring, as far as I am concerned.  Last night, well, Saturday night, I had to cover up some plants outside and in the morning there was hail the size of peas on the sheet.  Yes, I tucked my plants in like children in the safety of their beds.

Speaking of beds, here it is Monday morning and I have a full day ahead of me yet I can't seem to find any rest.  I have taken two sleeping pills, and yes, I am allowed.  Nothing.  Not tired.  I think this weather thing is making me a tad depressed.  It should be sunny, maybe not super warm but pleasant.  Not sleeting and hailing like a mother and forcing me to keep the heat on or else the cats might sue me for mistreatment.  Gonif Cat is waiting under the covers and I am waiting for the sleepy bugs to overtake me.  I have my alarm set for 6:00 a.m. as I want to get out and have a walk tomorrow before doing some running around for and with JB.  Have to get her email situation taken care of.  Hopefully our computer center can facilitate a resolution.  Off to HR to get a resume put in for her daughter.  The resume a production courtesy of Capitol City Informatics.  Another fine feature of the entrepreneurial undertaking.  So far it has netted me a case of Coca Cola and a lunch.  Not bad for an hour worth of work.

Tomorrow I think I will work on getting a website developed for me and also for my landscaper who is really just starting out in his line of work.  Hopefully he will be out tomorrow to finish a project for me.  Then we can talk about a website design.  Another fine service of Capitol City Informatics.  Go ahead...Google Capitol City Informatics...oh the hits you will get.

Right now I am more bored than tired.  Sometimes sleeping seems a waste of time.  I am eagerly awaiting the morning for my walk.  And all this is like wishing my life away.  Must...relish...every...moment...and thus sleeping seems suspect.

Gonif has joined the other cats on the couch.  I think of all the work around the house I should do.  I really need more bookcases in the music/cats room.  So many books and so little time.

Monday, if all goes according to plan, the authority processing will be primarily outsourced and I will have very little work to do for the summer.  Oh, I have projects but at one point I thought if I could afford to take a month off without pay then the summer might be more enjoyable.  Must ponder that a little.  I don't want to take all my vacation time.  The processing of the authority file could take as little as three months.  Or, and here is the kicker, longer.  I could use some of that time to actually work on my business, which will now include website design.  How nice July might be if I didn't have to go to work.  Yes, I can wrap my mind around retirement.  A new stage in life.  Maybe talk to Dan about taking a month off.  Actually twenty some off days as I need to work once in a while to keep my health insurance without resorting to COBRA.

Well, gang, the Restoril is finally working and I am getting droopy.  Look for me tomorrow morning walking the streets of East Lansing.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The rise of the amateur and the angry whte vote

Yes, it is one in the same, Donald Drumpf, AKA The Donald.  I have been pondering how incredible his ascendancy is.  Back in January I wrote about the rise of the amateur and in particular the rise of the amateur musicians who fancy themselves true musicians and they lack any kind of theoretical background.  Well, what we are seeing now in Mr. Trump is the rise of another type of amateur. A true amateur, not merely a dilettante.  And a huckster, a showman and a buffoon.  And factor into this the angry white vote, the voters who feel disenfranchised by their shrinking majority, the latent and overt racism and fascist inclinations.  Yes, all this has given us Donald Trump.  His followers are what is the worse about this country.  Let them spout their hatred of immigrants, the xenophobia.  And harken back to the mid-nineteenth century and the xenophobia of the Know Nothing Party.  And think for a minute what the name of that party proudly boasts.  Know Nothing (and they did).  I think we are seeing the rebirth of the Know Nothings in the guise of a populist movement that has more in common with the KKK than with the Republican Party, the Grand Old Party, the party that forever banished the insidious taint of slavery.  That taint of slavery that is still with us today.  The Republicans spout crazed theories about reversed discrimination but what you really hear is them losing their grip on the locus of power.  Having an African American as a president has not magically eliminated the racist overtones in the national conversation.  They can proudly point to that presidency while holding the police state of Ferguson, Missouri intact. 

All this has me worried.  As a student of history I am overwhelmed by Mr. Trump's politics.  His shameful pandering to the lowest common denominator.  His statement, which honest to God was "I love the uneducated"  should have been considered slanderous and not a compliment for his supporters to embrace.  They are the Know Nothings.  They spew venom in the name of free speech but it is very much akin to yelling fire in a crowded theater. 

Let's consider the oxymoron that is Trump and his followers.  Here is a billionaire who has played the system brilliantly, going through bankruptcy not once, twice or three times.  Four bankruptcies (five if you count his moral state).  Yet his followers adore his role as an outsider and a shrewd businessman.  Conniving is more like it. 

Now let it be said I am a Hillary supporter.  I like Bernie but not enough to vote for him.  Yes, Hillary is a little too hawkish for me, but Bernie is a little too pie in the sky.  Here is my platform.  I think we should abolish the graduated income tax and replace it with a 10% flat tax (Shades of Henry George).  I would love to see health care reform in the guise of a single payer plan, much like Medicare.  I would love to see universal free education through college.  A 10% flat tax with no loop holes would provide the revenue to rebuild out crumbling infrastructure and guarantee free college and health care for all Americans.  A flat tax would be more equitable and would ensure the wealthy would actually pay their fair share.  Bernie is the idea man but I believe Hillary could execute the changes necessary to rebuild our country.  We need to remake America, not make it great again. 

What country gave us the notion of universal education (Hint: it isn't in Europe)?  What country gave us the New Deal that built this nation back from the brink of poverty?  I have been to Europe, East and West, and I am amazed by their progressive models that they have liberally taken from the American Ideals.  Granted they have a more homogeneous population than the United States but we need to use that diversity to our betterment.  Not exclude whole segments of the population from basic human and humane rights.  We need a Roosevelt and not a Trump.  We need anyone but him.

Trump, again, is a laughing stock in Europe and our neighbor to the north, O' Canada, who are proudly building their wall to keep out the flood of Americans they will see flocking to their borders if Trump is elected (See: ).  The Right is even blaming the Left for the rise of Trump but, baby, it is all on them.  The Know Nothings. 

What we need to do to avoid a Trump presidency, which might see the end of the Republican Party as we know it, is to GET OUT AND VOTE and GET OUT THE VOTE.  I am hoping I am preaching to the choir.  Enough with the name calling of Trump.  Let us engage as a country to defeat the evil empire of ANGRY WHITE MEN...   I am often criticized for my liberal politics, my PC stances but I hold them near and dear.  I believe this country has better things to do than to devolve fifty years, nay sixty years, for the good old days of the 1950s.  The days when there was segregation and Jim Crow Laws.  And yet under an African American president we saw the gutting of voting rights laws.  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was needed and still is needed to ensure all Americans, regardless of race, gender, or economic state, be treated equally UNDER THE LAW.  We need to rekindle that spirit and build on what is good with America.  Get out and vote.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Old Duffers and Heaven

I have two Old Duffers in my life now.  First and original Old Duffer (O.D.) is a gentleman from my synagogue who fancies himself a competent guitarist.  Tonight he came over and tuned his guitar to something other than the the actual notes.  His G string, you should pardon the expression, was so flat and he kept tuning to that flat.  He also plays so fast, regardless of the song, and I don't know if he is playing me by playing so badly and expecting me to play badly as well.  Once a week I endure this and some weeks are better than others but tonight won the grand prize. I finally had to stop and say my hands hurt and he still played on.  He and his wife want me to join them for the local community sing and I have been avoiding that but in June I will have run out of excuses to not attend.  Singing with a bunch of old folkies singing off key is not an exercise I willingly would participate.  But I must as heaven awaits. 

O.D. 2.0 is a gentleman down the street from me.  He is Oakwood natural in a neighborhood that conflates Oakwoods.  This gentleman winters in East Lansing and summers in Empire, Michigan  that is.  He is quite the character and full of bombast.  He is trying to obtain a Currier and Ives lithograph for the Empire Historical Society and Marching Band.  I found some copies and he seems interested.  I love researching that sort of thing and as long as the Coca Cola flows I has help him in his quest.  I might go visit the O.D. 2.0 tomorrow after the missed reflexology session concludes.  I need to know exactly what he is searching for and how much he is prepared to pay.  The original print, a side wheeler steam ship name the Empire State, is in the Library of Congress, and is public domain.  I could load it to a flash drive and get him a print at the library's copy center.  There are also other options for prints but mine in the cheapest.  So I need to speak to him about his hopes, fears, dreams and desires.  He is an old fashioned gent who honors the Happy Hour with a cocktail or two.  Or three.  Right now, in addition to his quest for a Currier and Ives, he is reassembling pallets so as to make strawberry planters.  He is the owner of the house with the children's garden that seems only adults plant and tend.  Four raised beds loaded with all matter of matter. 

I spent much of the day trying to catch up but ended up running in place.  The lists continue to daunt me.  So I took time to search for lithographs and other manner of Empire stuff.  Excelsior and all that. I do so like spending other peoples' money and he seems to enjoy spreading the wealth.  The researcher in me takes pride in being able to locate the unlocatable. It pleases me to no end, unlike O.D. who can't carry a tune in a bucket to coin a phrase.  Oh, I can still hear that annoying G string flat for all the world to see.  He even had an electronic tuner, a Snark, as in the hunting of the Snark, and still managed to mangle the tuning.  Why I continue to do this I do not know but it is like watching an accident happening in slow motion and I can't turn away.  He wants me to play along with him at a function at the synagogue which scares me.  His rationale for having me play with him at the synagogue is that if I play loud than he it would appear that his is playing well.  Yikes.  And I keep doing this to myself.  O.D. 2.0 is a far more pleasurable pursuit. 

Oh, well, it be time for the bed and/or maybe a yogurt to calm Ursula down.  She was better today with the influx of the new medication which I am actually taking for a change.  And so I bid happy trails to another day. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

The bungee cords

This neighborhood is lousy with raccoons.  Just moments ago a rather ambitions raccoon gained access to my garbage by eluding the bungee cords I had placed on the can to keep the critters out.  In the cold glare of the motion light this little bandit got in the can and out again, washing his finds in my bird bath.  Once I saw the top of the can moving I knew I must get another set of bungee cords.  Looks like a trip to Ace is the place after the Old Duffer and I get done with our music tomorrow evening.  Maybe it will be nice enough to play on the porch.

I had today off, as I will have all Mondays off until September.  I totally forgot a reflexology session, going out for coffee instead.  When I returned home there were numerous calls from the massage lady.  I called and apologized profusely.  I had her set to come on Tuesday and not Monday.  I was so sure it was Tuesday that I made arrangements not to play with the Old Duffer.  Alas, I blew it.  Massage Lady will be here Wednesday and the Old Duffer will be here tomorrow.

I have to confess that my ulcer, Ursula, is rather busy tonight causing me a great deal of discomfort.  I dare not take any more antacids or my Protonix.  So up I sit waiting for the pain to abate.  Had me some yogurt while I watched the raccoon, whom we must call Rocky, digging through the trash.  Yes, I am too uncomfortable to lay down and go to sleep.  I just wish Ursula would lay down and go to sleep.  How shall I describe the discomfort?  It is like a hot poker running from my navel to my back.  Sitting up is helping.  I did something stupid and now I am paying for it.  I neglected to take my ulcer meds for a few days and OUCH...I hurt.  I have done nothing but feed her yogurt and rice pudding and nothing seems to help.  Wish I was me a raccoon with a cast iron stomach.  I go back on June 10th for another endoscopy which I know will show that the ulcer Ursula has not healed.

When I finally did get home from coffee I discovered Brad was at my home putting up shelves in the basement, post deluge, and the basement being dry.  Brad and Gilbert even put away the things that were on the floor onto the shelves, thus saving me a great deal of time.  I need to get a few things down to the basement and up on the shelves but it can wait until the weekend,  I decided I like the idea of being retired, at least in just spring.  I love having the days to myself to grab coffee (and miss an appointment), and putter in the garden.  I loved going for a long walk this morning, ending at Kroger's with a purchase of a brisket which I slow cooked all day and had for dinner.  I think tomorrow it shall be barbecued beef sandwiches.  I almost regret having to go to work on Tuesday.  But I shan't retire as of yet.  Must make a dent to some debits before I can rest.  So work I must.  Plus a few people, not many mind you but a few people that matter, have said they would be too sad if I retired.  Okay, I'll stay.

Tomorrow I can catch up on work.  Go to lunch with the iPal.  Home to play folk music with the Old Duffer and if it hasn't rained water in the garden.

 On Mother's Day a number of adults from the neighborhood prepared four large raised beds for the planting of the children's garden, the children being otherwise occupied.  Yes, we adults were playing in the soil, I with my trusty Garden Weasel turning the soil and working in the fertilizer.  Others coming behind me planting the vegetables.  For two hours I toiled in the sun and pretended to be a grown up.  This will result me me being able to take veggies from the garden come the eventual harvest.  And I stopped by to see Tom, another old duffer but not The Old Duffer, today and spoke with him at length about his strawberry planting project.  Quite a character he.  Had his 80th birthday last Monday and we gathered on his lawn to celebrate, he flagging down cars to have more people join us, including Brandon the UPS driver.  So this gets back to the garden, like Woodstock, and if it doesn't rain much Tuesday we will both have to water in the new plants.

Well, Ursula seems to be calming down so I think I will take this opportunity to lay down and listen to Vin Scully call the Dodgers' game and hopefully drift off to sleep.  Let us hope the motion lights don't go off again with a return visit by the raccoons.


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Spring has sprung

In my heart I know it is spring  It is still very cool at night but the days as long and luxurious.  Sleeping in the sun, head to head, Simcha and Gonif enjoy a quiet moment and capture the essence of the season. And so it goes.  I put in a lot of plants today, a rose, two butterfly bushes, my herb garden (which I set up in a raised bed of my making) and the tomatoes and peppers.  We were to have rain today but now not so much.  I plan on going out again to water the plants in.  I suspect dinner will be simple tonight, maybe tacos. Tomorrow I shall make myself a steak on the grill with the appropriate fixings.  Monday, oh Monday. Another three day weekend. 

Alright this is my favorite time of year. The new leaves bursting out verdant against an azure sky.  I live for this. 

In the neighborhood tomorrow the children are to plant their garden at a neighbor's house.  The "grown-ups", me included, watch the kids and have a party.  I have an extra pepper plant to add to the mix.  I feel like I really belong here.  I like that I get included in these weekly gatherings. 

I have two Hydrangeas yet to plant and and I know where I shall plant them.  I still have the Jewels of the Desert to plants (six of them to form a border for the rose garden) but I am waiting for Jason to put in the new edging.  The tulips and daffodils are still in bloom.  And amidst this seasonal hustle and bustle the boys are in repose.  Amidst this glorious day looms the promise of another glorious day tomorrow.  I have turned the furnace off for the season.  So what if it gets cold tonight.  The boys will keep me safe and warm.  Oh, I might close a window or two but the furnace will remain off until at least late September.   The season is spring and the reason is moot.  The season is spring and all is right with the world.  The season is spring and the boys sleep in contentment.  The fans and dehumidifier are gone from the basement and it is dry.  Yankel has resumed sleeping in the bed and watching the gold finches from the window.  The season is spring and Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy...all is right

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Then there is Yankel Cat

Well, Sunrise Restoration has a great number of fans and dehumidifiers in the basement and the noise is akin to a small plane taking off.  And poor Mr. Yankel Cat was beside himself.  He spent Tuesday night yawaling at me as if imploring me to make the noise go away.  So at 2:30 a.m. I went and sat with him in the front hall where I noticed he had worked himself into such a tizzy that he was literally warm to the touch.  Finally by 5:00 he had calmed down and his body temperature had returned to normal.  I did worry about him yesterday at home with the noise but he finally figured out it was more quiet in the living room and that is where he slept last night.  No nocturnal emissions of super sonic meows and that is a good thing.

Today brings an eye exam to see if some medication I take for arthritis is fuzzing my eyesight.  Weather permitting I hope to plant the rest of my plants today and the frost be damned.  I think I will plant the hydrangeas in large pots.  I want to get the herbs and tomatoes in this weekend and maybe go and get some pepper plants and two more tomato plants.  Jason the Gardener is doing a fabulous job cleaning up the front yard as well as the back.  I plan on having him plant bamboo as a privacy fence along the driveway and maybe he can get that done today.

I must say the Magic Plastic Tuna has been behaving herself of late so consequently I have been behaving myself which is doubly good as my supervisor is gone for a week and I really have no one to bitch to except via email.

A quick recap of the week. Flooded basement, flummoxed cat, and MPT quietude.  And I learned a new word, thanks to the trivia contest my team won last week (didn't I tell you I would be a winner?): crepuscular, as in rabbits are active at twilight so they are crepuscular.  And if they are built like a tank they are muscular crepuscular rabbits.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

...and then all hell broke loose

Gentle Reader,

Monday I began my summer schedule which is Mondays off until September.  So last Monday I was going to the basement to put a stool away only to find that the basement was flooded about two inches deep.  I did what I usually do, which is to panic, and panic I did.  I finally regained enough composure to call the Sunrise Construction and Restoration (517-351-4200) (and yes that is a shameless endorsement).  They were out with three trucks within the hour sucking up the water and removing the waterlogged contents of the basement.  Still three hours later the water was still coming in through the drain.  Thankfully the plumber (PAE me for the umber) was out by 3:45 and proceeded to snake the drain to the street.  What he found was gobs and gobs of flushable (which are not truly flushable) wipes and since i never use the darlings I am certain it was a gift from the former homeowner.  I had to file my first insurance claim and I have a $1,000 deductible with a $5,000 total payout.  As I sit here writing I can hear the whir of the fans drying out the basement.  The floor is ruin and the paneling (did I ever tell you how much I hate paneling?) is ruined.  I was planning a basement refinish in a few years and now it looks like that rainy day is here.  My one day off morphed into two.  And to tell you the truth I am exhausted from dealing with this.

They were having a "petting zoo" with dwarf Nigerian goats at the library today and I really wanted to see them.  Problem was I had therapy at 1 so I suggested we take a walk and see the goats and she was all for the idea.  It was a beautiful day for a walk.  In the end I walked a total of almost nine miles today.  Therapist and I headed back to her office and we talked some more.  Actually it was the best therapy session I have had in a while.  Still I am wasted away with having to deal with the crisis.  I finally got a nap in tonight and then had a very late dinner of a Bell's Pizza.  As the fans are sucking all the electricity in the house I am afraid to use the microwave as there has already been one surge protector blown.  The fan noise is especially loud in the bedroom.  God knows how I can sleep tonight.  Maybe I will call Aunt Marilyn and get some solace before bed.  Seems like a good night to take a sleeper.

Tomorrow is the last symphony of the season and Sophie and I shall attend.  Prior to dinner I have an appointment with the rheumatologist.  Then dinner out (Red Lobster...another shameless plug).  I am hoping the basement is dried out enough by tomorrow so I can have Brad start the restoration, like tearing out the panel and and what is behind it and treat as if there is mold.  The floor can wait.  This year's housing fixer upper is redoing the front porch with new wood and screens and then repairing and replacing the woodwork around the exterior of the house as well as having it painted.  Brad did my house remodel before I moved in and he is the best contractor (and honest) I have ever come across (490-4920)  (yes I know).  I must promise myself to have that drain snaked once a year, preferably on May Day.  Oh, God, oh, God, oh God...what a mess.

So now it is late and I need to get some rest as I am actually going to work tomorrow.  I will hope when I come home the fans will have done their job.  And I need to relax and get to work in the rose garden.  I planted a few small plants today as well as a rose bush.  I still have much to plant and I am thinking this weekend will be ideal.  I do believe (I BELIEVE!!!) the danger of frost in the city has been passed and it is safe to plant my perennials and s few butterfly bushes as well as another rose bush.  I think the tomatoes will be better of in the garden than sitting in a box on my porch with all the herbs. 

Well, my buddy Yankel Cat says it is time for a pill and bed.  And who am I to argue with a twenty four pound cat?