Thursday, May 5, 2016

Then there is Yankel Cat

Well, Sunrise Restoration has a great number of fans and dehumidifiers in the basement and the noise is akin to a small plane taking off.  And poor Mr. Yankel Cat was beside himself.  He spent Tuesday night yawaling at me as if imploring me to make the noise go away.  So at 2:30 a.m. I went and sat with him in the front hall where I noticed he had worked himself into such a tizzy that he was literally warm to the touch.  Finally by 5:00 he had calmed down and his body temperature had returned to normal.  I did worry about him yesterday at home with the noise but he finally figured out it was more quiet in the living room and that is where he slept last night.  No nocturnal emissions of super sonic meows and that is a good thing.

Today brings an eye exam to see if some medication I take for arthritis is fuzzing my eyesight.  Weather permitting I hope to plant the rest of my plants today and the frost be damned.  I think I will plant the hydrangeas in large pots.  I want to get the herbs and tomatoes in this weekend and maybe go and get some pepper plants and two more tomato plants.  Jason the Gardener is doing a fabulous job cleaning up the front yard as well as the back.  I plan on having him plant bamboo as a privacy fence along the driveway and maybe he can get that done today.

I must say the Magic Plastic Tuna has been behaving herself of late so consequently I have been behaving myself which is doubly good as my supervisor is gone for a week and I really have no one to bitch to except via email.

A quick recap of the week. Flooded basement, flummoxed cat, and MPT quietude.  And I learned a new word, thanks to the trivia contest my team won last week (didn't I tell you I would be a winner?): crepuscular, as in rabbits are active at twilight so they are crepuscular.  And if they are built like a tank they are muscular crepuscular rabbits.

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