Friday, May 20, 2016

Maybe now it is a sure thing

Maybe now the worm has turned or more to the point the weather has turned.  Since last Sunday's appearance of snow the weather has slowly and steadily improved to the point it is no jacket in the morning and shorts in the afternoon weather.  Windows are flung open at home and ere know I am sleeping in a sweatshirt the windows are staying open at night.  The tomato and pepper plants survived last weekend's snow/sleet/hail/rain storms and the herbs did well, save for a lonely basil plant which the Good Tuna, that being the Green Tuna, shall pick up for me today at the plant sale on campus.

This place is lousy with mice.  I was out in the Cyber Cafe as a daredevil mouse fell from the sky, or rather the ceiling, and two Cafe employees were attempting to capture it with a device consisting of two plastic cups without lids so as to escort it out of the building.  Dang, we need us some library cats to patrol the dwindling stacks where the mice seem to have found a home away from home and other inconvenient places like office desk drawers.  I once asked about having a library cat or two, as some libraries do, but was told too many people are allergic to cats to populate the stacks with them.  Also, I think it might be a tad unnerving to see a cat with a mouse in its mouth off for a quick bite.

Which reminds me of a story, as these things do, of a cat name of Moon, a beautiful Russian Blue (the Archangel Cat).  Moon Cat was a prodigious mouser.  He also enjoyed having a bit of meat with me at dinner at night, which he would play with for a while, the meat that is, and then eat.  One night I was sleeping in bed and Moon came in playing with his piece of pork steak I had given him at dinner that night.  I reached down to grab the meat away from him, as he was disturbing my sleep, only to utter those fateful words "Oh, shit, meat doesn't have fur!"  Yes, he had brought his latest kill into the bedroom and was presenting me with a gift.  Of course in German a gift is poison.  Yikes. 

Into the weekend we go.  Planting some tonight, ground cover roses.  Additionally, off to Le Kroger for some groceries manana.  Tomorrow brings the Art Fair as well as a Tea at the Kellogg Center, both of which I will attend.  Sunday should be a quiet day with lots of time in the yard weeding.  A puttering sort of day. 

Ah, Green Tuna has just delivered us from, wait, not evil, but a basil free summer.  Five, count 'em, five basil plants.  Pesto anyone?

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