Monday, May 16, 2016

Two words that should never be in the same sentence...

The 15th of May and snow.  Yes, dear friends, it snowed in East Lansing today.  Not too much but enough to ask what the hell is going on.  It has been an unseasonable spring, as far as I am concerned.  Last night, well, Saturday night, I had to cover up some plants outside and in the morning there was hail the size of peas on the sheet.  Yes, I tucked my plants in like children in the safety of their beds.

Speaking of beds, here it is Monday morning and I have a full day ahead of me yet I can't seem to find any rest.  I have taken two sleeping pills, and yes, I am allowed.  Nothing.  Not tired.  I think this weather thing is making me a tad depressed.  It should be sunny, maybe not super warm but pleasant.  Not sleeting and hailing like a mother and forcing me to keep the heat on or else the cats might sue me for mistreatment.  Gonif Cat is waiting under the covers and I am waiting for the sleepy bugs to overtake me.  I have my alarm set for 6:00 a.m. as I want to get out and have a walk tomorrow before doing some running around for and with JB.  Have to get her email situation taken care of.  Hopefully our computer center can facilitate a resolution.  Off to HR to get a resume put in for her daughter.  The resume a production courtesy of Capitol City Informatics.  Another fine feature of the entrepreneurial undertaking.  So far it has netted me a case of Coca Cola and a lunch.  Not bad for an hour worth of work.

Tomorrow I think I will work on getting a website developed for me and also for my landscaper who is really just starting out in his line of work.  Hopefully he will be out tomorrow to finish a project for me.  Then we can talk about a website design.  Another fine service of Capitol City Informatics.  Go ahead...Google Capitol City Informatics...oh the hits you will get.

Right now I am more bored than tired.  Sometimes sleeping seems a waste of time.  I am eagerly awaiting the morning for my walk.  And all this is like wishing my life away.  Must...relish...every...moment...and thus sleeping seems suspect.

Gonif has joined the other cats on the couch.  I think of all the work around the house I should do.  I really need more bookcases in the music/cats room.  So many books and so little time.

Monday, if all goes according to plan, the authority processing will be primarily outsourced and I will have very little work to do for the summer.  Oh, I have projects but at one point I thought if I could afford to take a month off without pay then the summer might be more enjoyable.  Must ponder that a little.  I don't want to take all my vacation time.  The processing of the authority file could take as little as three months.  Or, and here is the kicker, longer.  I could use some of that time to actually work on my business, which will now include website design.  How nice July might be if I didn't have to go to work.  Yes, I can wrap my mind around retirement.  A new stage in life.  Maybe talk to Dan about taking a month off.  Actually twenty some off days as I need to work once in a while to keep my health insurance without resorting to COBRA.

Well, gang, the Restoril is finally working and I am getting droopy.  Look for me tomorrow morning walking the streets of East Lansing.

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