Monday, May 9, 2016

The bungee cords

This neighborhood is lousy with raccoons.  Just moments ago a rather ambitions raccoon gained access to my garbage by eluding the bungee cords I had placed on the can to keep the critters out.  In the cold glare of the motion light this little bandit got in the can and out again, washing his finds in my bird bath.  Once I saw the top of the can moving I knew I must get another set of bungee cords.  Looks like a trip to Ace is the place after the Old Duffer and I get done with our music tomorrow evening.  Maybe it will be nice enough to play on the porch.

I had today off, as I will have all Mondays off until September.  I totally forgot a reflexology session, going out for coffee instead.  When I returned home there were numerous calls from the massage lady.  I called and apologized profusely.  I had her set to come on Tuesday and not Monday.  I was so sure it was Tuesday that I made arrangements not to play with the Old Duffer.  Alas, I blew it.  Massage Lady will be here Wednesday and the Old Duffer will be here tomorrow.

I have to confess that my ulcer, Ursula, is rather busy tonight causing me a great deal of discomfort.  I dare not take any more antacids or my Protonix.  So up I sit waiting for the pain to abate.  Had me some yogurt while I watched the raccoon, whom we must call Rocky, digging through the trash.  Yes, I am too uncomfortable to lay down and go to sleep.  I just wish Ursula would lay down and go to sleep.  How shall I describe the discomfort?  It is like a hot poker running from my navel to my back.  Sitting up is helping.  I did something stupid and now I am paying for it.  I neglected to take my ulcer meds for a few days and OUCH...I hurt.  I have done nothing but feed her yogurt and rice pudding and nothing seems to help.  Wish I was me a raccoon with a cast iron stomach.  I go back on June 10th for another endoscopy which I know will show that the ulcer Ursula has not healed.

When I finally did get home from coffee I discovered Brad was at my home putting up shelves in the basement, post deluge, and the basement being dry.  Brad and Gilbert even put away the things that were on the floor onto the shelves, thus saving me a great deal of time.  I need to get a few things down to the basement and up on the shelves but it can wait until the weekend,  I decided I like the idea of being retired, at least in just spring.  I love having the days to myself to grab coffee (and miss an appointment), and putter in the garden.  I loved going for a long walk this morning, ending at Kroger's with a purchase of a brisket which I slow cooked all day and had for dinner.  I think tomorrow it shall be barbecued beef sandwiches.  I almost regret having to go to work on Tuesday.  But I shan't retire as of yet.  Must make a dent to some debits before I can rest.  So work I must.  Plus a few people, not many mind you but a few people that matter, have said they would be too sad if I retired.  Okay, I'll stay.

Tomorrow I can catch up on work.  Go to lunch with the iPal.  Home to play folk music with the Old Duffer and if it hasn't rained water in the garden.

 On Mother's Day a number of adults from the neighborhood prepared four large raised beds for the planting of the children's garden, the children being otherwise occupied.  Yes, we adults were playing in the soil, I with my trusty Garden Weasel turning the soil and working in the fertilizer.  Others coming behind me planting the vegetables.  For two hours I toiled in the sun and pretended to be a grown up.  This will result me me being able to take veggies from the garden come the eventual harvest.  And I stopped by to see Tom, another old duffer but not The Old Duffer, today and spoke with him at length about his strawberry planting project.  Quite a character he.  Had his 80th birthday last Monday and we gathered on his lawn to celebrate, he flagging down cars to have more people join us, including Brandon the UPS driver.  So this gets back to the garden, like Woodstock, and if it doesn't rain much Tuesday we will both have to water in the new plants.

Well, Ursula seems to be calming down so I think I will take this opportunity to lay down and listen to Vin Scully call the Dodgers' game and hopefully drift off to sleep.  Let us hope the motion lights don't go off again with a return visit by the raccoons.


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