Saturday, May 7, 2016

Spring has sprung

In my heart I know it is spring  It is still very cool at night but the days as long and luxurious.  Sleeping in the sun, head to head, Simcha and Gonif enjoy a quiet moment and capture the essence of the season. And so it goes.  I put in a lot of plants today, a rose, two butterfly bushes, my herb garden (which I set up in a raised bed of my making) and the tomatoes and peppers.  We were to have rain today but now not so much.  I plan on going out again to water the plants in.  I suspect dinner will be simple tonight, maybe tacos. Tomorrow I shall make myself a steak on the grill with the appropriate fixings.  Monday, oh Monday. Another three day weekend. 

Alright this is my favorite time of year. The new leaves bursting out verdant against an azure sky.  I live for this. 

In the neighborhood tomorrow the children are to plant their garden at a neighbor's house.  The "grown-ups", me included, watch the kids and have a party.  I have an extra pepper plant to add to the mix.  I feel like I really belong here.  I like that I get included in these weekly gatherings. 

I have two Hydrangeas yet to plant and and I know where I shall plant them.  I still have the Jewels of the Desert to plants (six of them to form a border for the rose garden) but I am waiting for Jason to put in the new edging.  The tulips and daffodils are still in bloom.  And amidst this seasonal hustle and bustle the boys are in repose.  Amidst this glorious day looms the promise of another glorious day tomorrow.  I have turned the furnace off for the season.  So what if it gets cold tonight.  The boys will keep me safe and warm.  Oh, I might close a window or two but the furnace will remain off until at least late September.   The season is spring and the reason is moot.  The season is spring and all is right with the world.  The season is spring and the boys sleep in contentment.  The fans and dehumidifier are gone from the basement and it is dry.  Yankel has resumed sleeping in the bed and watching the gold finches from the window.  The season is spring and Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy...all is right

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