Thursday, May 28, 2015


I escaped.  The elopement was abrupt and long lived.  Back at my cozy desk I put on my walking shoes and went to the MSU Food Truck that was across the bridge from the library.  I bought a BLT avocado sandwich on really good grilled bread.  Just came back from my afternoon constitutional.  The cottonwood trees are making their magic: white tufts floating across campus, nigh the whole darn environs.  I will walk home and get my requisite steps in today.  I will have my front yard mulched while I in the back yard will assemble my elevated garden bed.  Joe is bringing me enough topsoil to fill it up.  This weekend I would like to get some tomato plants and some more herbs...also some flowers for the planter for the patio.  I will speak to Joe about possibly roto-tilling the back yard.  Too many "volunteers", i.e., unbidden maple tree seedlings.  I should like to scatter wildflower seeds in the back.  If I am going to have weeds they might as well be of the flowering variety. 

I get a real hoot (ain't that an antiquated word) of the robins splashing in one of the many bird baths in the back yard.  They can really splash up a storm...Tonight, once the mulch is laid I will take a few pictures to post and send to Hyphen.  I can't tell if I am depressing her by reminding her of the summer she is missing (she loves her garden) or if I am providing relief from her dreary days of pain and rehab. 

And with that note I shall send a letter to a friend and be off for the day.  Later, my friends.  TGTINTT (Thank God there is no training tomorrow).  Time to begin the pack up and mosey on home. 

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